Well, I am glad to report to you all that I had a great time last night. Its been a long time since I've met such a nice, considerate man, and he smelled good, too! He opened doors for me, he took me to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, then we went to see a movie. SpiderMan 3. Conversation was good, he even has a brain. Now I know your all thinking it just sounds way to good. I am sure he is flawed, but hey, arn't we all, in some ways? I feel reasonably confident in saying we will go out again. He seemed interested in doing so.
So, its Sunday. And since I saw Spidey 3 last night. . .
This week's job posting in my domicile is for a chauffeur. For this job, I am picking Thomas Hayden Church. He played 'Lowell' on wings, 'Ned' in Ned and Stacey (cheesy, yet entertaining). But he played a seriously beefed up Mr. Sand Man in Spidey 3. And he looked good doing it! Far better than Tobey in the Spidey suit. So, he can drive me through town, anytime!
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
1 month ago
but how was the movie?
The movie was great! It was entertaining, it had really good special effects, and the plot was better in this one than the second one, I thought. I'd go see it again.
Sweet! I am glad you had a good date! Of course he's good, or at least should be, on the first dates. I mean, if they weren't on their best behavior for a while, then they'd never get lucky! Haha
Seriously, it sounds like you had a good time. What outfit?
LOL. I wore a blue, almost wedgewood blue 1940's style short sleeved sweater, (good cleavage availiable if one cares to notice) a pair of new-ish jeans (the place we went isn't fancy, but good food) and a new pair of suede boots. Silver jewelry. And many of my first (and only) dates) have no manners. Every door was held open to me, every courtesy extended. It was refreshingly sweet.
Am so glad you had a good time M. Glad he is a nice fella. Have to agree with Sybil here though---have we become jaded Sybil? My most "interesting" date was to be taken to Micky D's with his dog riding in front in between both of us. My most romantic to date (this happened in 1975 or so) was to meet an Irish Guarda working traffic in a crosswalk in Galway---this sweet little 21 year old Yank asked him for directions. 8 hours later we ended up in an old claw-type bathtub with candles all around us with the Irish sea crashing upon the rocks outside on a chilly Irish eve--(a shared Irish cider or two in the tub too). His name was John O'Donnell and he had green eyes and dark hair and he was a much much older man---26 at least! I remember giggling uncontrollably together as he inspected my teeth in the tub (that's not all he inspected) because he had always wondered why Yanks had such good "Bobby Kennedy-type teeth." Oh memories----!!! Back to being 52, trimming the wicks, pruning the rose bushes, and scooping the kitty poops, then off to work at Podunk Mem.... ENJOY sweetheart! K
Ah, Kali, that Irish date, hmmm. Made me want to go oversea's, NOW!
Seriously. I know they are always "nice" on the first date, but this man. You can tell his manners are bred into him, and he has gentle eyes. . . I am a pretty good judge of character. Does he have annoying habits, and maybe something about him that other's haven't liked? Sure! But, like I say. Who doesn't? The trick is to find the person who's habits annoy you the LEAST! LOL. Hope its a good shift for you.
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