Clara Bow had an interesting life. She had a very hard life. I would have never really thought to want to know what Clara Bow's life was like. My TV was on for background noise, as usual, while I was reading a book. I found myself putting the book down (unheard of!) to watch most of her biography.
Her father was an abusive ass, but yet, even when she was rich, she kept him around, and let him sponge off her. She even bought him a 'dry goods' shop, and roller-skated to it to give him publicity. It went under. This idiot wanted to be called "king", and made everyone call him as such. After Clara had children, he would beat one of them. Clara put boxing gloves on the boy, and let him beat the shit out of Grandpa. Lesson learned.
She was a promiscuous little thing, and didn't care who knew it. She actually had SEX with her boyfriends. She announced, repeatedly that marriage was not the only career for women." This was in the 1920-130's. Shocking! She loved being an actress. She had boyfriends from every film. I guess I'd like being an actress, too, if that happened. She survived the advent of 'talkies', and the world discovered she had a Brooklyn accent. Towards the end of her career as an actress, she started having mental problems, and became a little paranoid, even taking her aggressions out on a microphone. She still wasn't sure of these 'talkies'. She finally married one of her co-stars, moved to a ranch in Nevada, and had two boys. He became a politician, and left her alone too often. She moved to Las Vegas to be closer to him, where she died, in 1965, alone, in front of her TV set, watching a rerun of an old movie, called "The Virginian's."
Why am I blogging about Clara Bow? Because, its my blog, and I can. One of my favorite things is learning something new. I especially like hearing about women who tried, (and suceeded!) in breaking the mold of their day. I knew, a little bit, about Clara Bow before today, (I always envisioned her lips,). But I never knew she was a strong, slightly crazy promiscuous broad who made no excuses for enjoying her life the way she wanted to, regardless of what public opinion was of her.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
1 month ago
I flipping love reading and or hearing about that stuff, too! I even like reading biographies (or autobiographies). I read a book on Errol Flynn years ago, because I got it at a flea market for 25 cents (it was a really interesting book!)! Plus, the 20's and 30's are probably my favorite time period, or when I'd like to time travel back to... YAY for Clara Bow!
yea, sybil, i love reading about that era too. especially Paris in the teens and early 20s. anyone ever hear of Kiki of Montparnasse? these women were their bad selves and were delicious at what they did--yea YAY for them.
oh, yes, I know the story of Kiki. I think you should blog it, though, Kali, and I think Sybil should blog the Errol Flynn story. Just because. I love those kinds of things!
How fascinating - I knew none of that. Thank you!
Clara Bow was kick ass. Especially for her generation when public opinion was so important.
Good for her.
I have to admit, I had no idea who she was. I was suprised I didn't when I read the story. Very cool. I'll never forget her now...
Syb - can I have your Errol Flynn book? He's my pirate idol.
And I am embarrased to say I don't know who Kiki is - so KALI - please let me know. I've been gone a few days, have you started blogging?
Kali finally broke her blogging cherry over on "first do no harm" (and boy, did she rupture it well!). She has yet to blog about Kiki, though, but I definately recommend she does so!
Ok you guys... thanks to M. the secret is finally out---I'm not a vestal virgin anymore---after all I am 52! Cut me some slack. And Barbie---tell that little tart to get a day job--how about nursing---same type of gig kinda. Maybe, if you are real good girls, you'll get the story of KiKi. Errol Flynn swung both ways didn't he? Sassy boy!
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