This is Jack the Ripper
This is Audrey Hepburn, occasionally, but lovingly referred to as either the bowling ball, or Ursula, depending on her mood
And this is Angus McTabby
So if BW put cat pictures up, I will, too! Its a game with me and my cats, you see. I got called into work last night, (My On Call Fairy must have gone on the fritz at Midnight, when they called me in.)It was a good shift, Amaretto Nurse wasn't present, which is always a treat. My patients were the friendly, yet sleepy type, (perfect) and yummy radiology hunk was the first face I saw as I approached the hospital (Wonderful!) I even found about an hour to sit and chat with him this morning. Until we were so rudely interrupted by a patient going into V-tach, a rhythm of the heart that is SO not compatable with life. Silly patient. He came out of it ok, though.
When I got home, my reward was two fold. Someone got the soda crackers I accidentally left out, and has been eating them under the table. Someone puked up a whopping hair ball mixed with cat food in the bathroom for me. I am sure the third someone has left me something somewhere as well, and I haven't found it yet. Good thing I keep the furry's out of the bedroom. So, play a matching game, if you want. Which furry did what? Who puked, who ate crackers, and who is innocent until I find the guilt?
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
4 weeks ago
I say McTabby had the hairball? He is so furry. Jack the Ripper must be innocent of all crimes because he resembles my sweet spike (who is always the guilty one) and shares part of a name with my Ripper who is always the innocent and cranky one.
so that would leave Audrey on the crackers
Jack the Ripper got the soda crackers. He looks stealthy and thieving. Angus McTabby hurled the furrball. Totally. The other one looks lazy. :)
It's hard to tell who left the present on the carpet, isn't it?
I will say that Angus McTabby chuffed the hairball and Jack The Ripper got into the soda crackers.
Audrey Hepburn looks took chill to do either of those.
Angus totally on the hairball. I think it was all 3 of them on the crackers with Audrey being the ring leader, and I KNOW Jack left you a suprise somewhere... you'll find it when you least expect it...
PS. Nice hunk talk! OH LA LA!
Sybil and Rachel win the door prize, both of you can expect a black cat in the mail at any moment! Angus, indeed chuffed the hairball. He is gifted that way. On the bathroon tiles. Jack is the cracker culprit. I caught him red handed when I walked in the door. Audrey, in all her chubby glory, surprisingly, will not eat people food. But, I am sure she did something. I still haven't found it.
Isn't that wierd!!! Our fatty cat won't touch people food but our skinny cat is a total scavenger... Shouldn've known...
I am not called the "crazy cat lady " by my friend for no reason!
Oh - and thanks, but I already have a black cat. :)
Now - does anyone want a kitten?!
LOL if I took in a kitten, these three would kill me in my sleep. The fat black one has already attempted it once. (Knocked the dresser mirror over on my head, I had 8 damn stitches from that trick.)good luck with those babies
Oh dear God(ess)--- a bunch of frickin cat women. I should have known it. Count me in as one of the faithful. ----Cats rule, dogs drool! Gotta go and scoop poops...
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