Why do people have to be so rude at the gas pumps? Its already a bitter pill to swallow that my car insists on being fed the uber expensive gasoline. Must they add insult to injury by being pigs at the pumps? Especially those special few who drive big truck-ish like vehicles, for example, a popular tree trimming type service truck? With an unpronouncable name? They park in the worst positions imaginable at the pumps. I think its a contest to them to count how many people they can prevent from getting to the other pump. And bonus points are given if the one trying to squeak in bangs their car against the brightly hued cement surrounding the pump. Who the hell named those things 'islands', anyhow. Doesn't look like any island I want to go hang out on. Beside's, it would be no fun watching the jackasses in the giant trucks monopolize all the choice real estate, anyhow. Boo, hiss. Can you tell I've been up all night?
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
4 weeks ago
in Oregon it is illegal to pump your own gas.
My daughter lives in Eugene Ore. and loves that fact. When ever she comes down for a visit she tries to get me or my husband to pump the gas for her, stating that she mustn't learn "bad-habits" here!
Silly girl.
It's also illegal in New Jersey, which is the most insane thing I've ever heard in my life! People should 1) KNOW how to pump gas, and 2) PUMP their own gas. It's quite simple and builds character.
oh I know how to pump gas, but in Oregon it is due to a right to work law. I agree that everyone should KNOW how to pump their own gas, cause if you go over the river and through the woods to the couv you have to get out of your damn car.
now you kids know by now that I often throw a monkeywrench into conversation and wax political----if anyone disagrees then Brava! Isn't it great to live in a land where we can have real dialogue? Ahhhh-the gas station-one of the greatest symbols of the apogee of our culture along with Charbucks and WallyWorld (walmart) (I'm not mom and apple pie bashing--am a daughter of 2 WWII vets, so did my time in that thought-paradeigm gig and remain very proud of them). Any of you crones old enough to remember the gas embargo of 1974? Oh that was mild compared to when it happens again--what!!!???---- people in the desert half a world away want to be compensated fairly for the gas colonial piggies have stolen going a century now!!! How rude indeed! There will be buttheads with guns in their tool kits at the pumps in Podunkville USA--things will get weird. Hey---I live 15 minutes walk from my job at Podunk Memorial so at least get to frickin work when the shit comes down-----hey, I miss living in Oregon---and now that i think of it, the gas line procession seems more civilized and orderly there, not to mention the bitchin' PDX food Cami! BTW, my helpless sister doesn't know how to pump gas and doesn't want to learn either---my poor long suffering brother- in-law. Needless to say, my sister and I do not get along!!!
go with your bad self Kali. Yes the gas prices are horrendous, but I don't begrudge the desert people their due.(Unfortunatly, I think their corrupt gov'mt takes their due, but thats a different blog all together.)Being selfish and looking at the all powerful "me and I" aspect of this, I just hate that people, at gas "islands" have to park so that no one can get in or around them to fill up.
We are now paying over $3 a gallon for gas. And I always go to the gas station where I don't have to pump my own gas. I hate pumping gas. If I don't go there, I make Scott pump. (Gas that is)
I miss that from Oregon so much.
AND if you are in NJ and by mistake start to pump your own gas, they freak out and yell at you. It's not a pretty sight.
See, the way to stop the idiot parkers is to do what I do - park riiiiight next to them, so that they couldn't get into their car or truck unless they go around to the other side. I also do that to people who park like assholes in parking spots. It's great fun. And no - I have not had my car keyed even once! I make sure to take a note of their plate. Fuckers. Haha
I may just start taking a page from that book Sybil, and see if I can't irritate some of the inbred of my small town.
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