Remember when I told CamiKaos that one of my quirks was always wanting to make the coffee at work? Well. . . We have a vising nurse here now, a traveler. She snuck in there and made Amaretto coffee. YECH YECH YECH! And yes I am sitting right next to her as I type this! She also talks to herself constantly and is annoying the crap out of me with repeated questions. I promise you I am going to be crazy when this shift is over. Amaretto coffee. AAARGH. If it had real Amaretto in it, maybe I would consent. But not this crap. I wonder how long I have to wait to toss the shit out and make a new pot. . .
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
Just dump the crap and make some real coffee. Ick. Ameretto coffee.
did it magically go away?
Oh, it went away. I made it go away. Now, if I could just make that nurse go away. Sigh
Haha... that sucks. I love reading about people typing about other, crazy people when they are RIGHT THERE! Awesome...
My MIL (who I like very much) likes flavored coffee. Blech. Just give me the real stuff - preferably dark.
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