I swear to Heaven there is an invisible rack outside of each and every grocery store. On this rack, are the manners of the people who shop there. I even find myself getting 'feisty' in them. Gaggles of women, parked in aisles, chatting for hours on end. Harried looking men in a hurry who crash their carts into yours without a word. And the little, tottering old people. I usually love the elderly. They tell such sweet stories about life in their day. In grocery stores, though? I think they forget everything they ever knew, including what they're shopping for! They are usually steering a cart bigger than they are down the center of the aisle, because their vision is so poor they worry about crashing into the food. And the ones that drive in the wee mechanical carts? Don't even get me started. I try to go shopping after work, because no one is in the stores usually, at 0730. Except all the night crew, with boxes stacked everywhere. Its like a grocery shopping obstacle course. Sometimes, its fun, but keep in mind, I have just finished a 12 hour night shift when I navigate said course. I can be dangerous. I have found, though, that if your one of the few in the store, things get almost too friendly. The people working seem to seek you out to say hello and ask how your day is. My day is over! And no, I don't want to talk about it! If they ever unbend enough to open a grocery store into an all nighter here, I am going to start shopping with the freaks at midnight. It could work.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
My grocery store is usualy not bad, what is usually bad is costco. WTF. FOr some reason at costco people let their kids run WILD all over the store and then when you almost mow one down with your big cart 3 times (the same kid) and you tell the kid OH SO NICELY to be careful to look where he is going the parents get pissed at you FOR BREATHING!!!!! ARGH!!! Oh, I have to go to costco today, thus the rant.
yes, obviously I went to the grocery store today, as well! LOL
I am about the luckiest woman on earth. I got to stay home and cook dinner (talapia loins and broccoli with mizithra) while Mr. Kaos went to Costco... he is EVEN looking for my new scanner!!!!! I love a man who doesn't make me go to the store!
yum, that sounds good! I am slow cooking a pot roast that I marinated in basalmic vinegar, garlic and rosemary. Give the mister extra points for going to Costco alone! Oh, I love mizithra cheese
To quote Moe the bartender from the Simpson's:
"Call this an unfair generalization if you must, but old people are no good at everything."
Especially driving. :)And yes - grocery shopping. Grrrr.
LOL! What a crappy store! I like to shop on Monday nights after work because no one is there... and the people are nicer and just leave you alone
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