So my printer is not a printer, and the tree is not a tree. . .
Today, my cheap, all in one printer fax copier machine thingy died a mechanical death. It was old, waaaay past its prime, and not worth defibrillating. It will get its proper burial, soon. A new, sleeker, more friendly one is taking its place.
The true story of the house that has everyone a twitter is a new, tree shaped, er, cat tree for the furries. Celtic Rose was with me, and it its just what they need. Its very nice, three spots to sleep on, shaped like a tree, brown and green. Of course, right now, they are all circling it like hungry sharks. Waiting to see who is going to be the first one up to the top. The two black furries are having a stare down at the base. Audrey will probably win, because she is lazy and can lay there and stare at Jack, forever. Jack has the attention span of a gnat. Angus, smart boy that he is, realized that this new attraction gave him free ticket to the food bowl, unmolested. See, Jack just gave up. Audrey is the winner. Lets see if she will hike her fat behind to the top, now. . . doubtful. Yet. I predict,in the middle of the night, she will try, and get carried away, and the tree will fall over, and wake up my downstairs neighbor. It is inevitable. Oh well.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
do you dislike your neighbor?? You might want to weight it.
my neighbor is not my favorite person. The base of the "tree" tree is actually fairly substantial, though Audrey does weigh 22 lbs. I am considering my options. . .
well I would just wait to see what happens... and not put anything breakable near it :)
Haha - that's one of those things I've always wanted to buy my cats but always thought, "That's so dumb - I could build one cheaper!" - and so, to this day, they've never had one.
That's okay - they like to climb the curtains. :)
Keep us updated!
we got one right before we left and they barely touch it......
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