Happy Father's Day to my charming, practical joke loving, football watching "white man food" devouring Dad. May we celebrate many, many more with you. (Not like he'll see this, the man doesn't even know how to turn a computer on, and my Mom doesn't know this blog exists [yes, Camikaos, you have power here. Take pity on me and NEVER tell her. I love my mom, but she doesn't need to be reading my stuff.])
And happy Father's day to everyone else out there, too. I hope its a nice Sunday for you all.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
You're safe... though my dad knows you have a blog...
thats ok. I somehow doubt your Dad is going to go tell my Mom all about my blog. . . I just don't see that happening!
Happy Father's Day to your dad!
Hahhaa. My dad is maniacal. But not evil.
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