Ah, sometimes I just want to crawl under a rock.
Work has been interesting lately. There have been some irritating nurses (see a few posts down, my angry post), and there have been some family members that did their VERY BEST to drive me crazy (ok, well crazy-er than I already am.)
So over on the medical blog, I did a post about taking care of patients with crazy families that won't leave. I referred to them as limpets. (I still hold to that comparison.).
When I went over to that blog today, there was a comment. From the wife of a very sick man who'd been in the ICU. And my post, my sarcastic, kind of funny in an irritable way post, made her feel a little guilty that she'd stayed by his side.
I am humbled today. I immediately wrote another post, just for her, to talk about the GOOD families, the non limpet families. Then I went and visited her blog, read how sick her husband is, and felt worse. So I left a comment over there, too. But my soul, it feels a little scarred today.
I want to remember the lesson I think that she just taught me, though. There is always, ALWAYS, the other side of the coin. And I should stop, even in my irritation, and think about that other side, and adjust myself accordingly.
That's the reason I made this post today, in my "real" blog. Because Jamie's comment made me think, and I want to always remember what it taught me.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
4 weeks ago
anytime we learn something it is a boon
I really respect what you are doing with your life, however, having bee among the "Family members that won't go away" I have to tell you that not all nursing staff give a rats but about their patients. When my mom was in the hospital, my sisters and I were the ones who took care of her, made sure she got her meds. ( we asked five times before anyone would give them to her) It was on her chart they just "thought someone else had done even even nobody charted it. Honey a good nurse is an angel, the rest are as you have described. Keep up the good work, fight the good fight. It's good their are people who still understand what their "job" ( there has to be a better word, prupose maybe)is when they dedicate themselves to this life. We are proud of you. NanaKaos
thanks NK. I am sorry there are nurses out there that suck, I would wish them all away, but we are in such a nursing shortage, I am afraid of what would happen if the sucky nurses all dissapeared. . .
family at the bedside can be either a blessing, or a curse, but, at least there is family, right?
Aaah, humble pie...
Well, in your defense, you should still know that there are some annoying people making unreasonable requests regardless. I know, because I've seen them before.
But it's good to know how much you care. Good for the lady who posted to know, too!
you bet sweetie. NanaKaos
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