At the risk of angering the entire conglomerate trash bag industry, I must pose this question. They advertise their bags on the all powerful television with the concept that they can hold up to, but not over, an asteroid that is about to hit the earth. Well, I have either found something heavier than an asteroid travelling at a high velocity, or they are liars. Liars, you say? Yes. But they wouldn't lie to us millions of viewers of the all powerful television, would they? And surely, wet and soiled cat litter cannot be more heavy, and detremental than an asteroid, can it? Well. Yes it can. I can testify to it. After spending part of the last hour sweeping up outside because their strong, flexable, can hold anything trashbag broke on the way to the outdoor garbage recepticle. No, I did not put a years worth of used litter into a bag, and no, my cats do not eat asteroids, or anything comparable. I actually did my weekly litterbox change EARLY, because, well, I wanted to. (That chore is usually saved for Sundays, for some reason.) The bag was not full to capacity. I have been fighting a work incurred shoulder injury for the last month, and have been taking great cautions not to lift heavy things, especially trash bags full of used cat litter. So, to those who make those extra special, flexable asteroid holding trashbags, (and you know who you are), next time you are in the mood to develop a trashbag, I suggest you bring in lots of cats, and a giant litterbox. Maybe then, you can get it right.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
DAMN THEM ALL! Stupid cats pooping all the time, and peeing. My 2 cats that go outside, actually CRY to come in, use the box, then want to go right back out. I don't get it. Isn't the world your cat box?
Luckily, I have a deal. I don't touch kitty litter anymore. That's Scott's job. And he too, has taken the broom out to clean the trail after the super flex bag broke.
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