Why is it once we commit to taking something out of the freezer, and waiting for it to defrost, we don't want to eat it anymore? I took some smoked porkchops out 2 nights ago, and put them in the refrigerator, imagining that on my nights off this week I would make myself a good dinner. Every time I think about them, now, I just don't want them. ANYTHING else sounds good but porkchops. Today will be the third day, and, I go back to work tonight. So I HAVE to eat them. I have a 3 day rule here in my tiny world. I read once if you don't eat something after it has been made in 3 days that it should be tossed. So today, before I go to work I will be making pork chops, and trying to avoid the temptation of all the other good things in my refrigerator that I could be eating, instead. The only other option is to get rid of the pork chops, which I refuse to do because that is wasting food, and I know full well that plenty of people have none. So I will eat pork chops and be happy with them. I think part of my resistance to the pork chops, and, most things that require defrosting is that I have no one else to cook for but me. For all the trouble he ended up being, and the giant conablach muc (pig carcass in gaelic, thank you very much) he turned out to be, that was a nice thing about Jeff. He was here for me to cook with, and, sometimes he even cooked for me. That doesn't mean I want him back. Maybe I just want a body to fill the other chair at the table. Then again, after hearing the story my sister told me this morning about something her husband did, I am not so sure about that. . . and if any of you know either of my sisters, do not give them directions to this blog! I may need to "vent" about them in here someday!
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
oh yeshhhh... you have to be very nice now. HAAAA. I have the power of family knowledge!!!
LOL- the middle sister's computer is so slow that she can never get anywhere with it. The older sister is the one who is dangerous, and so I will always be nice to you so you hide my wordy little secret. Not even my best buddy knows this blog exists. . .
I do that all the time with the defrost! I'll ask Scott what he wants to eat for the week, pull stuff out and 'on the day' we don't want to eat it or I don't feel like cooking...
I have no idea who your sisters are, but If I find out, i'll be sure to send them your link. :)
Its nice to know I am not alone in the defrost torture. It makes me crazy, and I did not enjoy the pork chops because I just didn't want them, it was sad.
Good luck finding my sisters. . .I'll give you a hint. One of them is too busy with kids to even care, and the other? She's a little crazy, and if she finds my blog I'll move it away!
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