I had not intended on writing again tonight, but events of today have stimulated me. I woke up later than I wanted to, but working nights, that is a usual occurance. I am used to sleeping during the daytime, in the sunlight. When I wake up late, I have a hard time getting motivated to do anything.
We are having a wonderful spring day here, so I quickly decamped out to my balcony, with a good book, and some knitting. After a few hours, I started really looking around at my surroundings, and my balcony has been hit by winter, hard. It looked terrible! So, I put everything down, and decided today was the day to clean up the balcony, and make it happy. Its a small space, shouldn't take long, right?
I got started, music blaring, iced tea flowing. I moved every piece of balcony furniture inside for the moment, and swept up all the old pine needles, and detrius from the winter months. Needing my dustpan, I went inside, and started moving around said balcony furniture, so I could get around it. Now, I should mention, my sister has a sister in law who makes adirondack chairs. Nice ones. Nice, heavy ones. I picked one up to turn it, so I could get past, and dropped it, right on my big toe. Then, did the hopping "Oh God Oh God OH GOD! dance, indicating pain, stopping myself from uttering every curse word I know. I don't know why I didn't let them fly, I don't have any impressionable kids, my neighbor wasn't home to hear me scream, and my cat's are not that protected from life. I just knew, once I started, I wouldn't stop, and I would probably invent some new ones. It hurt so bad I was nauseous. After my hopping dance, I called my best friend, Deb, and promptly ignored her advice to sit down, ice it, and elevate it. Instead, I finished cleaning my balcony, and then I finished my bottle of wine, on said, now clean balcony. The toe, bruised, and slightly swollen. Who needs toes, anyhow? I have a clean balcony.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
You have 9 more. I would have been inventing swear words too. But like you said, at least you have a nice clean balcony. The wine will help with the toe. Drink up!
you are my kind of girl, bubblewench. I did, indeed, drink up. And it helped. Now my main problem is that my balcony is cleaner than my house, and I have no desire to remedy that. . .
well as long as it isn't raining, just spend more time on the balcony and ignore the house... see problem solved.
ha! great minds do think alike. I did spend most of the day outside. But, duty won out, so I came inside and cleaned up everything else.Sigh
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