Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Proof she IS my dog. See, she was trying to knit. See the stick down by her legs? Dog style knitting needle. Of course, she was outside with this yarn, initially (got into a box). I looked out the window and this is what I saw. When I went to bring her in, she ran circles around me and what you are not seeing is a picture of BOTH of us tangled in the yarn. (I was home by myself or I would have had someone take one).


Daryl said...

I am sure she was just working out the pattern ... increase ... decrease ... she is also looking a little like 'uh oh' ...


Bubblewench said...

Busted! I so wish someone had been home for the twisted photo.. oh well.

sybil law said...

So yeah - The LOL never worked!
But that is funny!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee that is just so funny. I can just imagine the two of you. Sigh, she is very cute. :D

CamiKaos said...

what a little sweetie!

holly said...

this is EXACTLy how i looked when i tried to learn to knit. that's why i don't. instead, i snack on dog biscuits.