So I wasn't exactly called out for this meme, but, it is one of the few that I have seen that I actually kind of like. So, I am going to play along. Go read Sybil's blog for her take on it if you want, I will wait...
Okay. Lets start answering questions...
If you could travel back in time, what time period would you choose, and why? Um. This one is hard. I'd love to go back to so many different places. But if I had to pick ONE, then, well. Elizabethan England. But only if I could be a rich noble woman that she liked. She had her father's temper, and I would hate to have pissed her off.
Would you rather be a teacher or a prison guard? Why? A teacher. If I wasn't a nurse, I was going to teach. Why? Well, I have seen prisoners, in real life. They, for the most part are not exactly nice people who are known to fling body fluids at people randomly. And people would frown upon me if I just shot them for that. Kids? I can take a kid. Especially a small one. They can be annoying, but they can also be a lot of fun. Besides, who wouldn't want a child whose young mind has been moulded by Mielikki? bwaaaa haaaa haaa.
Which relative do you most resemble? Do you like the resemblance? Appearance wise, I most resemble my middle sister. And no, I don't mind. Other than her idiot husband, she's a pretty nice person. Personality wise, I most resemble my Dad, I think. He's a pretty laid back, wicked sense of humor person (if I do say so myself).
Seduce me - or, rather - how would you seduce me? This is a loaded question. Being as Syb is my cousin's blog wife. I'd feel like it was incest or something. But if I HAD to. Well, home made waffles with chocolate chips in them, some syrup, and some home made kahlua might do it...
Where was your first kiss, and with whom (family doesn't count!)? My first REAL kiss? High school, right after a graduation ceremony, when I was a sophomore. He was a drummer in the band. I'd crushed on him all year long. And he finally got around to noticing me, and deciding I was worthy of his time and attention. He is now married, living in my old home town, with his wife and three daughters. His kiss wasn't bad. But we didn't stay together long, after it...
Now, for my 5 questions. This is for whomever really wants to answer them, I am not particular
1. If you won a free trip for four, to anywhere in the world, no expense to you, where would you go, and who would you take with you?
2.If you could only listen to the music of one artist or band, for the rest of your life, who would it be?
3. If you could go back in time, to your 21st birthday and do it all again, knowing what you know now, would you?
4. Sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds?
5. Are you an Organ donor? Why, or why not?
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
1 month ago
Most excellent answers and tho I dont know you all that well I am totally UNsurprised at your answer to "Would you rather be a teacher or a prison guard? Why?"
I am not a teacher for pretty much the same reasons you arent a prison guard.
Fab answers, and I just realised you are not on my blog roll. I have no idea why. I have never eaten a sunflower or a pumpkin seed. Is that what you meant? Or did you mean planting. I have planted sunflowers, but not pumpkins.
Hmmm, I;m waffling. Ill go now. :D
Jo, lol. Both those answers work. I was eating Pumpkin seeds at the time. Adding you to my blogroll as I type
everybody should have you guys on their blog roll. i know *i* do. :) :) :)
2 is easy. i would never get sick of tipsy the band. bouncy! it does my laundry! tipsy the band cooks my dinner! it writes my code!
5 no. cuz i'm not dead yet. wait. am i? no, surely i'm not, i'm typing. but maybe typing is what you do when you're dead. no, i'm pretty sure if i was dead i wouldn't care about my husband's snoring so much.
Holly- if we were on everybody's blog roll, well, I shudder at the thought. But I am so happy with the blogroll that I have, and those that I am on. *big sigh of contentment*
Tipsy the band? I don't think I wanna know. At least you didn't say ABBA. It writes your code? MM will surely be interested. He is having a huge issue with IBM this week.
No, dead people don't type. And the donor thing is for AFTER you die. You might wish to consider donating your brain to science, though. So they could duplicate it. Every generation should have a Holly. Wait. That's probably what the QOH is for, huh?
Haha to all the comments!
Good answers!
I am going to answer your questions, cause I like 'em.
1. If you won a free trip for four, to anywhere in the world, no expense to you, where would you go, and who would you take with you?
Daughter, mom, and husband. Greece.
2.If you could only listen to the music of one artist or band, for the rest of your life, who would it be?
Very hard... Rolling Stones? They did a little bit of verything, but man I would so tire of them... I don't know!!!!
3. If you could go back in time, to your 21st birthday and do it all again, knowing what you know now, would you?
I would. First - I would dump that douchebag. Second - I would party with friends in a great city.
4. Sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds?
Sunflower seeds - I live on them. Pumpkin in the fall.
5. Are you an Organ donor? Why, or why not?
I am. Because there is no point in letting the worms have them if they can be of use to a real, live person.
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