yay! My slippers won a fabulous award over at Jo's party!. Me and my bees thank you, and will really enjoy the book, Jo.
St. Patrick's Day is coming up. On Monday. I do love this strange day, the corned beef. The cabbage (though I like mine crispy, not limp). Green is my favorite color.
MM and had a short conversation about St. Paddy's day last night. And I learned something new about him.
The only Corned Beef he has ever had has been from a can.
NOT surprisingly, he didn't like it.
Now, MM doesn't eat a whole lot of beef. He is more of a chicken/fish type of guy. When he eats beef, it needs to be lean beef.
So here, then, is my conundrum.
He says he is willing to try corned beef, if I make it.
Personally, While I like the corned beef, I don't HAVE to have it. It is not a necessary part of St. Paddy's for me. (Wearing green is, though, and I do pinch the people who don't.).
But he's only had CANNED corned beef! Beef in a can! Thats almost as bad as the Canned Haggis we had at the Celtic Festival! I still maintain that Cans should be banned!
Do I have an obligation to show him what good Corned Beef is? Will he even like it after the canned fiasco? Can I find a piece lean enough? It does have to be lean.
You guys tell me...
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
1 month ago
"I make shepherd's pie every year," Jef said the way the geeky kid in class says things to join in at inconsequential moments of silence.
I don't mind corned beef - must be the Irish blood in me, along with all the other elements of the genetic cocktail!
I never knew corned beef came uncanned. We just have the canned stuff over here. Bleurghh. If there is better stuff, you must make it.
Jef- I am, not so much a Sheperd's Pie girl. It's the peas. I can admit it.
David- I do like corned beef. But my world won't end if we don't have it.
Jo- Really? Only the canned one? Thats kind of disturbing. Based on that, I feel like I must get some real corned beef for MM. You are more than welcome to bring the fam and come to dinner, too, though.
you got oregon chai in there woman!!! yummy! oh and *I* love shel too!!!
oh i so love your meez!!!
anyway, my point was going to be that i lived in (albeit northern) ireland for five years and never once had corned beef...
irish stew? no? champ (well okay that's a northern irish dish but still) ?
does one *actually* have to have corned beef on st. patty's day? i've successfully avoided it and have an irish husband...
Holly- I also have Oregon Chai in my refrigerator.
Shel is the best thing ever
my meez loves you, too :)
I think that the Corned Beef thing might be an American thing. I have heard that the *actual* Irish don't go for any of the malarkey us americans seem to glom onto for St. Paddy's day...
If you can take or leave the corned beef, find the smallest brisket you can find, remove as much of the fat from the top as you can, put it in a crock pot for 8 or so hours along with the seasoning that came with it, some celery tops, a yellow onion and a carrot.
Then throw everything but the brisket and the juice away (strain the juice well) an blanch your cabbage in the juice along with a red potato or 2 if you like. Let MM have a little of the beef. If he still doesn't like it, next year just throw it away also but always keep the broth to cook the cabbage in.
It's not really that I don't like it, I love steak, but my gout kicks in and makes it extremely difficult to walk. I like everything that Mie makes, and have never even thought of not trying it.
Daddy Kaos, that sounds awesome, and yes I was sheltered as a kid, my parents were both of German decent, so the corned beef and cabbage was never that big of a deal, unless the cabbage was being used to get someone back for "violating international air space" if you catch my drift.
Mie, if you make it, I will eat it.
I've never had corned beef. But I have had corn and beef. Does that count?
I like your dream car. :)
I've never had corned beef, either. I have this feeling I wouldn't like it. Irish stew.... is... okay. Irish cooking is so BLAND to me. I LOVE fried cabbage, though. Fried. In butter. Til it gets all crispy. Mmmmmmm...
Sorry. No help from me, as usual. :)
MM- you are so sweet. I know you'd eat everything I make, including that disasterous tilapia recipe that I tore up...
Miss Burrows- that car is sweet, isn't it? Sadly, not that easy to find...
Syb. Try it once. But not the canned crap! It is good, especially the way DK makes it... (its fairly close to how I do it...)
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