So I posted, last week, (was it just last week?) that my blog was soon to enter the toddler stage. Terrible two. I got the bright idea that I would have some sort of contest for a guest poster, which is something I have really never had on my blog. I think it would be fun to see what would happen with that.
Because I like each and every person that expressed their interest, I saddled Mustang Man, and Mustang Girl with the task of picking the guest post-er.
Epic fail, because they like all the idea's that came across the board, too.
Everyone wins. Four people tossed their hat in, so during that week, I will have four days of a guest post. Friday is still open. Anyone want to try the Mieography? If not, I will happily do it.
Sybil, was the first one to step up to the plate, and we drew Monday out of the hat for her. So, Syb. Are you up to it? Monday, March 16th goes to you. I have your address, your prize will be in the mail :)
Next, for Tuesday, we are going with CDB.. She won us over with her claim of being a circus poodle who could do anything. Poetry, song, story. We want to see what she will do with Tuesday, March 17th. Being as that is St. Patrick's Day, I am expecting some great things...... I will need your address, though, to send you your prize.
Wednesday, the 18th, goes to one of my newer discoveries, bernthis. I usually do wordless Wednesday, but I like her idea so much it is worth having words, HER words. Oh, and while you are visiting her blog, go into her side bar and watch her hilarious websodes! Totally worth it I also need your address, to send the prize.
And Thursday. THE day. The 19th. The blogversary. Daryl, are you still game? I have your address, and your prize will be forthcoming, as well....
So, there it is, almost a week of guest posting to start the terrible two's. Who 'd a thunk it?
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
Sounds excitng.
I'm looking forward to reading all the posts.
Don't be too scared.... I'll be gentle...
March 19th .. I am game .. point me in the general direction and I am there
Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh I'm SO THRILLED! I'm going to think on nothing else for the week. What a fabulous time to be Irish. I'm am absolutely a circus poodle.
Prizes, too?! This is too good to be true.
you don't have a mieographer?
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