Well here it is .. the, THE, actual second anniversary, birthday of Mielikki's blog .. (sounds of cyber cheering, confetti is thrown, no! Not near the cats, do you want them to choke or have a hairball? Sssheesh).
How I lucked out and got THE actual day .. well, clearly, I am her favorite... sure Sybil kicked it off and managed to photoshop an actual photo of Mie when she was two .. pfft. And then that weird CDB .. a supposed circus poodle, really .. hah .. then there's MM .. its a bit
tricky to fault the blog-versary/birthday gal's guy .. but .. he got Wordless Wednesday so sure he had it easy .. well he did. (Cool shot, tho, MM) and then tomorrow Zerilda (do you not love to say that? Say it, come on . say it .. Zerilda .. like music) will no doubt put us all
to shame with Polly Pockets and a flippin' Photoshop or Powerpoint presentation with sound .. oh yeah, she's crafty and cleverly comic Zerilda (Zerilda ...)is .. do you not love saying that?
I, myself, actually wrote something else, likely more clever, witty, but it got eaten by Gmail .. yes, I am not making this up. Gmail ate it. Gross. And after I spent hours, days (okay 20 minutes yesterday in a panic that I was actually guest hosting YESTERDAY!).
Oh? Really. Well. Sorry. You had no idea I was guest hosting?
Well, what do you think this is all about?
LIVE FROM THE INTERNET .. BLOGGER's OWN WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE MIE .. (cheers, applause,more confetti, not near the cats!) guest hosted by Daryl .. musical guest ..(huh? no musical guest? really? how chinzy) .. okay then .. everyone:
Happy Second Blog-versary to you,
dear Meilikki ..
Happy Second Blog-versary

Seriously I am tickled to be hosting .. and happy second to a really twisted sistah! love you... muaah!
Happy birthday blog!
The big 2. It's a huge milestone.
Yes - Happy 2nd Blog Birthday!!!!
The picture is gorgeous, Daryl. (But we all know *I* am her favorite!)
Weird?! Really, Daryl, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
A little in-fighting among guest-posters should make Mie smile on her blogoversary. Plus, she can stitch up any cyber-wounds we give each other.
Happy Terrible Two's!
CDB .. it is indeed .. but then we all know I am a whistling kettle ...
Oh Syb ... she loves me WAY more ...
Happy 2nd Blogversary to you!
Happy Blogiversary to YOU, M! Gorgeous photo Daryl!
Happy 2nd! enjoy the terrible 2s - you're allowed to do all sorts of crazy crap ya know ;)
beautiful flowers!!
Happy day to you. You must be ok if you're a friend of Daryl's!!
Happy 2nd Blog Birthday Mie! Just quietly have you been drinking?????
Thanks for visiting my TT...yeah I'd say we have the same kind of sense of humor. :)))
Well I am late coming and just got here but... love it. Love Daryl. Love Mie. Love the lot.
Happy blogoversary. :)
I almost feel bad not demanding to be acknowledged as Mie's favorite. But you see *i* am content merely to be in her circle... :)
Gorgeous flowers, D!
If there were no musical guests, how come I can hear the band's saxophone?
And I can totally see you standing there on stage, quieting the crowd's cheering with your hands!
niiiiiice. :) :) :)
Awww.. such beautiful flowers for the blogiversary! Now if we could only get flowers like that for ANNIversaries...
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