last night, as I was driving to work, I took my usual route. This involves me getting into a left hand turning lane, and following the green arrow. As I pulled into the turn lane, my brain registered the fact that the white SUV in front of me was that of a cop. Flashers on the top and the green letters identifying the side of the vehicle were a dead give away. In front of the SUV was a green Suburu. The light turns, and dumb lady in the green suburu makes this sloppy sloppy left hand turn, breaking every rule there is of left hand turnage. Of course, the flashers flash, and as I drive past I laugh and thing "what a dork, how do you not notice a big white police driven SUV right behind you, at a turn signal?" She deserves her ticket.
It got me thinking, though, how much fun would it be to be able to pull over all the idiot drivers I see, with the power to ticket them? I'd enjoy that.
Later in the evening, scanning the news, I stumbled across an article about a Finnish Millionaire who was given a 141,000 dollar speeding ticket. It seems the fine for speeding is based off your DAILY income. And he had quite a daily income. So he is angry, of course. BUT, he lives in Finland, does business in Finland. He knows the laws, he got what he deserved It won't stop him from whining about it though.
My brain is mush today, from orienting a new nurse last night who has had her RN for one WHOLE MONTH! She actually did pretty well, but my brain is TIRED from incessant questions... so I am off for a good day's rest.
Keep it under the speed limit out there....
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
I have wanted to be able to make citizen arrests forever ... not just give tickets to bad drivers but slap fines on people who litter or let their dogs poop and not clean it up .. no snow is not an excuse for leaving your dog do behind ...
I wish I could drive a huge truck/tank that just runs over the stupid drivers and people.. oh to dream!!!
It never fails to amaze me how stupid some people are when they drive. Everyone makes mistakes, but some people are just clueless.
I have all those sheriff friends, and I say that to them all the time. The police chief would LOVE me because I'd ticket every ass without a turn signal or getting on the highway to merge with traffic too slowly, etc. (Speeders, really, bother me the least. Unless they're reckless.)
Also, like what Bubblewench said, I'd love to have some circa 1970, pure metal, demolition derby car so I could just ram all the idiots all day long. It's a reoccurring dream! :)
OH, Mie (pun intended). I was SO worried you were about to say, "then he zoomed after me and gave me a ticket for laughing at the poor schmuck. Some Good Samaritan rule."
But that's just on Seinfeld!
Fines based on your daily income - that's quite an idea.
But what if you're unemployed? 100 percent of zero is still zero? I'm sure they have a work around, but that's crazy.
Oh God, I WAS the stoopid driver who didn't notice the flashing lights OR the siren for ten mins as he chased me (a long, long time ago - it was 3am in the morning, and I had my music up full blast). I have no excuse, I wasn't even born blonde.. sigh.
I wish the cost of the ticket was based on my salary. It's have been about 5 bucks.
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