I know that I have said here, many times, how much I love the house we live in. I should love it. We just bought it last year!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
house beautiful
Posted by mielikki at 11:37 AM 6 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
ahhhh, thats more like it
Posted by mielikki at 10:24 AM 3 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday Mieography
This particular lady is one of my favorite particular ladies. I can't believe I waited so long to do her.
Carol Creighton Burnett was born in San Antonio, Texas, in 1933. Unfortunately, both of her parents were alcoholics. She was left with her grandmother. Her parents divorced, after having another child, Chrissy, who was also left with their grandmother. When Carol and Chrissy's mother moved to Hollywood, they all followed and lived in a boarding house near to where her mother was living.
When she was in forth grade, she created for herself an imaginary twin sister named Karen. She actually convinced the other people at the boarding house that Karen existed by dashing out of the house via the fire escape, and changing clothes. However, she became exhausted doing this, and "Karen" disappeared.
In 1951 she graduated from Hollywood Highschool, and had won a scholarship to the University of California, Los Angeles. She had planned on studying Journalism. She decided during her first year to switch theater arts and English, to become a playwright. She performed at many of the university productions, gaining fame for her comedic talent.
During her Junior year, she and her boyfriend left college, moving to NYC to pursue acting careers. They'd gotten the money to do so from a man they met at a cocktail party, who encouraged their dreams. He gave them each 1,000 dollars. Her father died of alcoholism related illness' this same year. Her mother did not approve of Carol's choice, wanting her to be a writer, instead.
Her first year in NYC she worked as a Hat Check girl, and failed to gain any work acting. She did finally get a few television roles, and eventually began a popular career performing at cabarets, and night clubgs. She ended up on the Tonight Show, Ed Sullivan, and was a regular on a game show called "Pantomime Quiz". Just as she was gaining success, her mother died.
Her first major success was on Broadway, where she was in the musical "Once Upon a Mattress". She also was a regular on "The Garry Moore Show", for which she won an Emmy. Her signature cleaning woman came from this show. She also co starred with Julie Andrews at Carnegie Hall, and won an Emmy for that. She continued to guest star on other television shows, like the Twilight Zone, and Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.
She met Lucille Ball, and they became friends, with Carol eventually performing on The Lucy Show a number of times. Lucy offered her a sitcom of her own, but Carol declined. She wanted to put together a variety show. They remained very close friends, Lucy sent her flowers every year for her birthday, until she died. She actually died on Carol's 56th birthday, and had received flowers from Lucy that day.
The Carol Burnett show debuted in 1967. It got 23 Emmy Awards, and was nominated multiple times every season it was on air. Its permanent cast included TIm Conway, Harvey Korman, Lyle Waggoner, and, eventually, the teenaged Vicki Lawrence. At the end of every show, she tugged her ear, a message to her grandmother, telling her all was well, and that she loved her.
A few well known sketches that came about were "Went With the Wind", As the Stomach Turns", and, of course, the "Mama's Family" ones, which became a series of it's own. I was always partial to the ones where she played the wierd silent film star... and cracked up Harvey Korman.
The show stopped in 1978, and by then, Carol's beloved grandmother had died. Carol moved on, and did a few films, and departed somewhat from comedy. She also returned to the stage, and went and played on many of the gameshows, especially Password. In 1969, she was the first celebrity to appear on Sesame Street. She even had a character created for her on All My Children. She's done two animated films, most recently "Horton Hears a Who! To this day, she continues to guest star on many television shows.
She's been married three times, she and her second husband had three daughters together. She is currently married to a man 23 years her junior (go Carol!). Sadly, one of her daughters, Carrie, died of lung and brain cancer at the young age of 38.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 9 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thursday 13
Thirteen shows that we HAD to watch, weekly, when I was a child
1. Little House on the Prairie. My mother loved this show. I thought it was boring.
2. Solid Gold- I liked music. So, seeing some of the musical acts was good. But what was up with those solid gold dancers?
3. CHiPS. Once again, my mother. I HATED this show.
4. BJ and the Bear. Anyone else remember the trucker with the Orangutan? I thought not.
5. The Wonderful Wide World of Disney. Sunday nights, at it's finest
6.McGyver. I will admit I kind of liked this one
7.Quantum Leap. I liked seeing all the stuff "sam" leapt into. Especially the historical places.
8. General Hospital. My sisters and I watched this together after school. Probably the only time we got along.
9.Charlie's Angels. I was "Jill"
10. The Muppet Show. One of my all time favorites
11.MASH. I still love MASH.
12. Rerun's of Green Acres. I only got to see this when I was home sick from school with my Dad. I loved those "sick" days
13. Dialing for Dollars. This was basically, at TV show in the early afternoon (sick days, once again) where they would play classic old movies, and some cheesy host would break in now and again, calling people and giving away money for trivia....
well, that was a trip down my memory lane... For other Thursday Thirteen'ers, go here
Posted by mielikki at 10:20 AM 9 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Road Trip!
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 4 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
back with a vengeance
Taking a week off and letting other people blog on my blog taught me some very interesting things!
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 9 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Zerilda does Friday (mieography, that is)
SO! I said, "okay brain, what next?!"
My brain said "well, mielikki always reports on inspirational women. pick one."
And then I said, "yeah, but there are loads. who should i pick?"
And my brain said "I really don't care, you choose. It's either going to be a golfer or a comedienne. That's what Mielikki would want."
I flipped five coins, and used a random number generator. Then I chose to do ...

Okay so here's the thing about Babe... remember Bo [link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bo_Jackson]? Remember what Bo knew? pfft! Bo didn't know HALF of what Babe knew! usually I read Mielikki's Mieographies (which are always wonderful!) and think both : "Wow! She rocked!" AND "I so suck in comparison!"
Well, it's going to be that again with babe. She was an all-around EVERYthing.
Babe started life as Mildred. Isn't that fantastic? Mildred Ella Didriksen, was born in 1911 in Texas, daughter of Norwegian immigrants Hannah and Ole. (OLE! OLE!)
After hitting five home runs in a single baseball game, she was nicknamed "Babe" after Babe Ruth, the candy bar.
After graduating from high school, she was a "secretary", which is how they spelled "ringer" in those days. She actually was hired for her stenography/basketball skills. She led the company team to the championships. This was back in the days where companies were just fronts for athletic events. (Not many people know this, but Pepsico actually started out as a soccer team.*)

80-meter hurdles,
high jump
long jump
and baseball throw - whyever did this go out of style?

Now, you'd think that would be enough, right? No! The thing you do once you've accomplished three olympic medals and a basketball championship...is definitely... vaudeville! She played the harmonica!
She also mastered tennis, played organized baseball and softball and was an expert diver, roller-skater and bowler. This is the same as me, in my dreams. Well, I don't really dream about diving. And okay, roller-skating is just fun, not really dream-material. Let's move on...
She played billiards, but got a famous beating. This makes us the same. I like playing billiards, and get beaten too. Yay!
Anyway, it wasn't until 1935 that she picked up golf. she was so good so quickly that she was denied amateur status. Isn't that charming? I'm glad those people aren't next to me right now, they would get such a smacking.

straight amateur victories. NO ONE, not even TIGER, who i love, has done that.
By 1950, she had won every golf title going, and her career victory total was 82 tournaments.
She had undergone surgery for colon cancer in 1953 but had made a comeback in 1954. That year she became the second oldest woman to win a major LPGA championship tournament.
In 1956, she lost the battle with colon cancer.
But she had achieved every little girl's dream of stamp-worthy status, which truly makes this a remarkable life.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 12 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Live from New York!
Well here it is .. the, THE, actual second anniversary, birthday of Mielikki's blog .. (sounds of cyber cheering, confetti is thrown, no! Not near the cats, do you want them to choke or have a hairball? Sssheesh).
How I lucked out and got THE actual day .. well, clearly, I am her favorite... sure Sybil kicked it off and managed to photoshop an actual photo of Mie when she was two .. pfft. And then that weird CDB .. a supposed circus poodle, really .. hah .. then there's MM .. its a bit
tricky to fault the blog-versary/birthday gal's guy .. but .. he got Wordless Wednesday so sure he had it easy .. well he did. (Cool shot, tho, MM) and then tomorrow Zerilda (do you not love to say that? Say it, come on . say it .. Zerilda .. like music) will no doubt put us all
to shame with Polly Pockets and a flippin' Photoshop or Powerpoint presentation with sound .. oh yeah, she's crafty and cleverly comic Zerilda (Zerilda ...)is .. do you not love saying that?
I, myself, actually wrote something else, likely more clever, witty, but it got eaten by Gmail .. yes, I am not making this up. Gmail ate it. Gross. And after I spent hours, days (okay 20 minutes yesterday in a panic that I was actually guest hosting YESTERDAY!).
Oh? Really. Well. Sorry. You had no idea I was guest hosting?
Well, what do you think this is all about?
LIVE FROM THE INTERNET .. BLOGGER's OWN WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE MIE .. (cheers, applause,more confetti, not near the cats!) guest hosted by Daryl .. musical guest ..(huh? no musical guest? really? how chinzy) .. okay then .. everyone:
Happy Second Blog-versary to you,
dear Meilikki ..
Happy Second Blog-versary

Seriously I am tickled to be hosting .. and happy second to a really twisted sistah! love you... muaah!
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 12 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday brought to you by MM....
So Today is Wordless Wednesday: so I'll keep it short, this picture reminds me of Mie... beautifully twisted.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 10 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
my favorite circus poodle.... CDB
Today I'm guest poster at What It's Like to Be Mie. Mie graciously asked me to guest post in honor of her Terrible Two-year old Blogoversary. I think this is a fantastic accomplishment and cannot imagine why she would allow me to take over her blog for the day. But! It's her party and she can cry (later) if she wants to. Plus, she's a nurse, and can likely handle any minor skin irritations I present.
Getting started, we've already established that I am:
guest posting, right. And as a circus poodle, I'm prone to any number of entertaining qualities (keep it clean, fine readers!) Though, you would not believe the porn out there when "Kiss Me" is typed into Google Images. Suffice it to say, those ladies didn't even look Irish.
It's a good thing poodles are hypo-allergenic, because Mie is having issues with her allergies right now. I would not want to send her into a sneezing fit!
Anyhoo! I promised poetry, already provided pictures, and perhaps a peck of alliteration prose. Since it is St. Patrick's Day, a limerick (or two) seems most appropriate.
There was a young lass called Mie
Who caught the blog bug and named Me
Her guest poster du jour
By consequence I adore
Her every word, post, tweet and feed!
St. Patrick's Day came with a hurry
Spring attempting to chase away flurries
Wear some green, if you dare
Don't get pinched anywhere
Bottoms up that Guinness in a fury!
Mie's blog is about to turn TWO
It is read by the masses, and you.
We celebrate her success
But to come is the best
When it's back to Mie crafting, adieu!
Kiss Me, I'm Guest Posting!
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 11 comments
Labels: CDB does me the honor...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Terrible Twos
As you all may or may not know, this is Mielikki's 2nd Blogbirfday, and I, Sybil Law, was crazy/ tipsy enough to volunteer am honored to be the first guest poster of the week. However, I quickly realized how insane delighted I was to be the one to start off the guest posting. I mean, this deserves a big send off, does it not?! I thought of champagne ship launches, but that always makes me think of the Titanic, which is obviously not what you want to associate with celebrations, so I tossed that idea aside. Then I thought of delving into the whole Mielikki name thing, but the whole 10 minutes I spent delving into Dungeons and Dragons/ Finnish/ Celtic/ Nerdom/ Geekdom HELL made my head hurt and I ran kicking and screaming, Kool - Aid man style soon realized that was better suited for a Friday Mieography (have fun with THAT sucka Zerilda!). So finally I realized I was missing the easy way out it dawned on me that this is all about the actual birthday, and this here blog is turning 2 - this week!! So I lamely proudly present you with this:
The Terrible Twos...
- Toddlers have tantrums. Lots of them (that is, if their parents suck hardcore and don't nip that shit in the bud). Mie is now entitled to at least 5 tantrums this year. Blame yourselves for encouraging her if you don't like it. Personally, I love watching tantrums - in reading form.
- Toddlers have accidents. I think this might be more a problem for Mustang Man and Mustang Girl. Thank Bob.
- Toddlers like to put things in their mouth. Again - more of a
bonusproblem for MM. Unless it's Mie's foot in her mouth, in which case, shouldn't happen because she's quite well thought out and thoughtful. Still - being a toddler, she's entitled to it.
- Toddlers do not like to share. It's all "Mine, mine mine!!!", or, "Me, me, me!!" - or, in this case, "Mie, mie, mie!" - I say, have at it with some selfishness, Mie! (Although, she's sharing her birthday week with guest posters, so it goes to show how she's caring and sharing. Next week - back to all Mie, all the time. She's allowed. It goes with the growth.)
- Toddlers do not talk well. I would personally like to see some video of this. Just have MM take Mie out, liquor her up real good, and make her talk. Otherwise, she talks quite well, but where's the fun in that for us?!
All in all, I think we can safely say that Mie is growing up quite nicely
Oh! And in case you're wondering:
Best gifts for a 2 year old:
Does it even matter? Like we've all witnessed, time and time again with kids, an empty box will be fine.
Or diamonds.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Mielikki!!!!
Posted by mielikki at 8:36 PM 8 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday Mieography
This is, for all intents and purposes, the origin of my Mieography Friday's. I am recycling it here, because, next week begins the week long terrible two party! (Are you ready to start it off, Sybil?). I thought it would be nice to go back to where the mieograpy started, so, here she is, Clara Bow
Clara Bow had an interesting life. She had a very hard life. I would have never really thought to want to know what Clara Bow's life was like. My TV was on for background noise, as usual, while I was reading a book. I found myself putting the book down (unheard of!) to watch most of her biography.
Her father was an abusive ass, but yet, even when she was rich, she kept him around, and let him sponge off her. She even bought him a 'dry goods' shop, and roller-skated to it to give him publicity. It went under. This idiot wanted to be called "king", and made everyone call him as such. After Clara had children, he would beat one of them. Clara put boxing gloves on the boy, and let him beat the shit out of Grandpa. Lesson learned.
She was a promiscuous little thing, and didn't care who knew it. She actually had SEX with her boyfriends. She announced, repeatedly that marriage was not the only career for women." This was in the 1920-130's. Shocking! She loved being an actress. She had boyfriends from every film. I guess I'd like being an actress, too, if that happened. She survived the advent of 'talkies', and the world discovered she had a Brooklyn accent. Towards the end of her career as an actress, she started having mental problems, and became a little paranoid, even taking her aggressions out on a microphone. She still wasn't sure of these 'talkies'. She finally married one of her co-stars, moved to a ranch in Nevada, and had two boys. He became a politician, and left her alone too often. She moved to Las Vegas to be closer to him, where she died, in 1965, alone, in front of her TV set, watching a rerun of an old movie, called "The Virginian's."
Why am I blogging about Clara Bow? Because, its my blog, and I can. One of my favorite things is learning something new. I especially like hearing about women who tried, (and suceeded!) in breaking the mold of their day. I knew, a little bit, about Clara Bow before today, (I always envisioned her lips,). But I never knew she was a strong, slightly crazy promiscuous broad who made no excuses for enjoying her life the way she wanted to, regardless of what public opinion was of her.
Posted by mielikki at 10:35 AM 5 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thursday 13
I am trying a little reverse psychology here. Maybe, if spring thinks we DONT want it, it will show up, and stay....
13 things I don't like about Spring
1. My allergies
2. Pollen all over my car
3. The rash of crazy things people do that land them in the ED, and some? into my ICU
4. The beginning of the annual shedding of my cats. One of them in particular. (Angus)
5. mm, this is harder than I thought. Did I mention allergies?
6. All the foolish people who think spring is summer and start walking around in hawaiian shirts, shorts, and flip flops. In 50 degree weather.
7. The worms all over the ground in some places.
8. The price of gas going on the rise again, because it always does
9. Stupid people who buy their children bunnies or chicks for Easter, because they are "cute" then don't know how to care for them.
10. Watery eyes in the morning with at least a ten revolution sneeze-ing fit (did I mention allergies?)
11. Spring break is just a summer time tease for the kids, and makes them antsy
12. did I already mention cat fur?
13 and worms? I got nuthin'
For more Thursday 13 fun, go here
Posted by mielikki at 9:25 AM 10 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Go, speed racer
last night, as I was driving to work, I took my usual route. This involves me getting into a left hand turning lane, and following the green arrow. As I pulled into the turn lane, my brain registered the fact that the white SUV in front of me was that of a cop. Flashers on the top and the green letters identifying the side of the vehicle were a dead give away. In front of the SUV was a green Suburu. The light turns, and dumb lady in the green suburu makes this sloppy sloppy left hand turn, breaking every rule there is of left hand turnage. Of course, the flashers flash, and as I drive past I laugh and thing "what a dork, how do you not notice a big white police driven SUV right behind you, at a turn signal?" She deserves her ticket.
It got me thinking, though, how much fun would it be to be able to pull over all the idiot drivers I see, with the power to ticket them? I'd enjoy that.
Later in the evening, scanning the news, I stumbled across an article about a Finnish Millionaire who was given a 141,000 dollar speeding ticket. It seems the fine for speeding is based off your DAILY income. And he had quite a daily income. So he is angry, of course. BUT, he lives in Finland, does business in Finland. He knows the laws, he got what he deserved It won't stop him from whining about it though.
My brain is mush today, from orienting a new nurse last night who has had her RN for one WHOLE MONTH! She actually did pretty well, but my brain is TIRED from incessant questions... so I am off for a good day's rest.
Keep it under the speed limit out there....
Posted by mielikki at 7:36 AM 8 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
A childhood fear re-visited me the other day. One of insecurity, and vulnerability. It surprised me, too.
There I was, sitting in the stroke class, having a wonderful time trying to convince myself that being awake, that early in the morning, and using my brain was allowed. Then, the instructor announced that we had to 'pair up', to assess the neurological status of the person we paired with.
Upon hearing that we would be doing that, my brain fixated on it. It wasn't to happen until after the lunch break, but my brain, it worried.
What if no one chose me? What if I were sitting there all by myself, with no one to do the assessment with, to laugh at the funny phrases we must make people repeat (Mama, Tip Top, Fifty Fifty) or the silly picture of the woman washing dishes while her children stole cookies behind her, and the sink overflowed? What if, what if?
Red Rover, Red Rover, send Mie right over....
I well remember occasions where I was the last one left to run through the daisy chained arms of children. I also remember the days I was the FIRST one sent over, too.
Looking around at my friends and co workers, I mentally paired us all up as I thought it would go. Over my left shoulder, I noticed a table that had THREE people at it, like mine. Another singleton would be left out there.... and then another, and another table of three caught my eye. Suddenly, I felt better.
The time came, and got a very fun partner, without fuss nor muss. We laughed over the assessment, then laughed harder when I had to try to lift his dead weight out of a chair, all by myself, using a lifting technique that the Physical Therapist was showing us. He is at least a foot taller than me, and outweighs me quite a bit. Lets just say I could have given him a colossal wedgie if I'd have been in a mean spirited mood.
So all was well that ended well. I wasn't left in the playground by myself, without a friend to call my own
but it brought back that feeling, ever so briefly, just the same...
Posted by mielikki at 2:53 AM 6 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
Friday Mieography
Because I watched a movie about her life early this week. I give you Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel.
She was born the second daughter of a traveling salesman, and his wife, in a "poorhouse". She had five siblings. When she was twelve, her mother died of tuberculosis, and her father left the family to find work. She spent the next seven years in an orphanage, where she learned to be a seamstress. She left the orphanage at eighteen, and took a job with a local tailor. She met a young millionaire playboy whom was quite taken with her, and lavished her with gifts, diamonds, pearls, dresses. While living with him, she began designing hats as a hobby. When it became apparent he would not be marrying her, she left him, and went to Paris to open her own shop. Unfortunately, her first venture failed, and before long she was asked to surrender her properties. Lucky for her, she was reunited with an old friend, Arthur "Boy" Capel. They soon fell in love. He assisted her in opening a second shop, which was a success, after she got her hats to be worn by a very successful french actress. In 1913, she opened a new shop in Deauville, and branched out into clothing. She felt it important that women dress for themselves, and not for men. Her business continued to flourish, and before long she was enjoying a very successful career in fashion. She was instrumental in helping to design the "flapper" image, and her classic jacket is still a staple of fashion today. In 1921 she came out with her first, signature fragrance, Chanel No. 5. It was the first perfume to have a designers name attatched to it. Boy died, and after his death, she designed her first, official "little black dress", for herself, initially, but now, that little black dress is synonymous with fashion.
At the beginning of World War II, Coco closed her shops. She did not think it was a time for fashion. She took up residence at the Ritz hotel in Paris, where she loved for more than thirty years, even through the Nazi occupation in Paris. She managed this by having an affair with a high ranking German. This did not work out so well for her, and, she was later arrested for war crimes, though she never went to trial. In 1945 she moved to Switzerland, though she eventually moved back to Paris in 1954. Her first collectio back was not very successful, the Parisiens had not forgotten her relationship with the Nazi spy. The Americans liked it, however.
She did regain her footing in the fashion world, and continued her success. She died in Paris, in 1971 at age eighty seven, in her private suite in the Ritz. She was buried in Swizerland.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 8 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
zzzzz I am sleeping
But I still found time to do this....
because I went to follow up on some new faces at my post below and found a bunch of lovely templates. Sigh. I do so love a lovely template. See that link, over there, at your right? You could find some lovely templates, too......
Posted by mielikki at 10:55 AM 6 comments
Thursday 13
thirteen things I wish I had time to do this week
1. A decent thursday thirteen (sorry)
2. Shopping. For fun things. Instead, I get to go spend all day Friday in a Stroke class
3. sleep in, a lot
4. Spend some real time working on the baby blanket I am supposedly knitting
5. Go spend time with my nephews while their Mom is in the hospital
6. Sit and watch the rain fall
7. Figure out what I am craving for dinner and actually make it
8. Give the dogs a bath. They stink like wet dog.
9. Track down the second floor guy and ask him why he no call us back
10. find a home for the appliances littering my kitchen
11. Fix my chair on the &^%% couch
12. Take a few pictures of something beautiful
13. Blog. Because you all SO KNOW I pre- posted all week, because work has been terminally sucky.
For more, and probably better Thursday thirteens, go here
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 11 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
This just in!
The Magnificent Zerilda is going to be doing the Friday Mieography for my blogversary week! Long live Zerilda!
But, I will need her address to send her a super awesome prize....
Posted by mielikki at 2:31 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday lunacy
So I posted, last week, (was it just last week?) that my blog was soon to enter the toddler stage. Terrible two. I got the bright idea that I would have some sort of contest for a guest poster, which is something I have really never had on my blog. I think it would be fun to see what would happen with that.
Because I like each and every person that expressed their interest, I saddled Mustang Man, and Mustang Girl with the task of picking the guest post-er.
Epic fail, because they like all the idea's that came across the board, too.
Everyone wins. Four people tossed their hat in, so during that week, I will have four days of a guest post. Friday is still open. Anyone want to try the Mieography? If not, I will happily do it.
Sybil, was the first one to step up to the plate, and we drew Monday out of the hat for her. So, Syb. Are you up to it? Monday, March 16th goes to you. I have your address, your prize will be in the mail :)
Next, for Tuesday, we are going with CDB.. She won us over with her claim of being a circus poodle who could do anything. Poetry, song, story. We want to see what she will do with Tuesday, March 17th. Being as that is St. Patrick's Day, I am expecting some great things...... I will need your address, though, to send you your prize.
Wednesday, the 18th, goes to one of my newer discoveries, bernthis. I usually do wordless Wednesday, but I like her idea so much it is worth having words, HER words. Oh, and while you are visiting her blog, go into her side bar and watch her hilarious websodes! Totally worth it I also need your address, to send the prize.
And Thursday. THE day. The 19th. The blogversary. Daryl, are you still game? I have your address, and your prize will be forthcoming, as well....
So, there it is, almost a week of guest posting to start the terrible two's. Who 'd a thunk it?
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 5 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Yesterday, after I finally caught up on my sleep and my sanity from a very arduous work week (all I can really say is TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES, PLEASE) I found myself in conversation with MM's big brother. He was teasing me about the fact that while we were currently (and even presently) being deluged by a lot of rain, he was outside, enjoying the warm sun, to the tune of 85 degrees. We bantered back and forth about things, me claiming that I actually like the rain, and the fact that it means that everything is going to be green and pretty around here for a long time coming, while they (in Arizona) are going to be living in arrid brown-ness for months and months to come. Discussing us having bbq's under our nice, green, happy trees. I do like the rain. I even like the snow. For every day that it rains is another day I feel like we are going to be enjoying our spring, and summer plants and flowers and the earth around us is getting the nurturing it needs. I can't imagine living in a desert area.
But on the other hand, big brother is perfectly happy living where he lives, in Arizona, the sun, the swimming pools, and all that goes with it.
It leads me to the thought that I have probably covered here before, but I think is worth covering again, is that we land where we are supposed to be. At least I hope we do.
My own surroundings are very important to me. If I don't like where I am living, both inside, and outside, it impacts my mental state of health. I have, only once, really hated where I was living, but since I was in the Navy, I had no choice. I was in a city, and I was not a city girl. But I knew that there was always a light at the end of the tunnel for that. Every place I've lived has not been my absolute perfect fit, but I've been happy at those places.
Where I live now, though, makes me really happy. I love the climate, and the trees and pretty much everything about this area. When I moved here I felt like I was finally "home". Does that mean I could not be happy anywhere but here? No, I doubt that. I've been a lot of cool places in the US, especially in the Pacific Northwest where I could be perfectly happy. AND, of course, when it all comes down to it, it's not just where you live, it's who you live with. I could live in Paradise, but it wouldn't be, for me, without AT LEAST MM and MG there.
So, I will take all my rain, and big brother will take all his sun, and we will all be happy....
Posted by mielikki at 8:34 AM 5 comments