This silly thing came with a web cam. And you can do "effects".
So here we are, in all our x ray glory
Mielikki and MM
aren't we pretty?
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
1 month ago
This silly thing came with a web cam. And you can do "effects".
So here we are, in all our x ray glory
Mielikki and MM
aren't we pretty?
Posted by mielikki at 10:00 PM
Frame it!
Oh I love having my Photobooth appie .. have you done any chat with it? HOORAY for getting it working!
i agree! frame!
oh you PEOPLE and the stuff you can do with your frickin' macs! oh! well! hmm! i can, em, oh frick. nothin'. it's sunday and i can think of nothin' i can do on my stupid pc that you can't do on your mac. i'm sure there's something, i really am. . .
oh. ahem. yes.
i can get a high-paying windows developer job. like the one i start tomorrow. YES! holly LEAVES the comment box!
Pretty inside and out
Holly. I have to go BACK to work tomorrow. Sigh. Its been a nice three months
Daryl e- No, I have not done the ichat. I'd have to make myself look presentable for that! But I am having waay to much fun figuring out all this beastie can do
Wow, I could save a fortune in medical bills, maybe even make some $$ by x-raying friends.
I think I can see your fillings from here ;p
hee..hee.. fun
Silly woman
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