I was not really planning on blogging this, probably ever. But some things just push me over the edge, and this is one of them.
Pull the military the HELL OUT OF OKINAWA.
Year after year, there are stories about Japanese Nationals getting raped by either the Marines or the Army men that live there. There is obviously something wrong, and the people of Okinawa are suffering. These asshats are raping girls younger than 16. Its time for this to end. That base should be closed I am so tired and sickened of the whole situation.
that is all, going to bed to stew, now
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
1 month ago
I get so mad about it that I can't even talk. My Dad was stationed there a long time ago, and it pisses him off, too. We talked this morning. I think the assholes should go to prison in Japan, where I am SURE they would get "special" treatment. Instead, because they are military, they get off easier.
i wholeheartedly agree, and leave it at that or i will go all pissy again. and i need to sleep.
there is a special hell for these people. i don't believe in hell, except where these people are concerned.
Right after they pull them out of Iran and all the other Stans as well
I agree, very much so. Lord have Mercy.
Who's Stew?
Was he any good?
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