Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
It's a milestone day here in the Mustang household.
Posted by mielikki at 9:14 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday brain. again.
And a short return to what we can possibly refer to as "normalcy", maybe?
Posted by mielikki at 7:16 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
argh! I'm broken!
I cannot, for the life of me, SLEEP IN this week!
Posted by mielikki at 6:21 AM 5 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Queen Tuesday, Christmas Style
1. What is the most annoying Christmas song?
for me, honestly? Jingle Bells, because it's SO REPETETIVE. Kids usually just sing the chorus over and over and over and over, until I want to jingle THEIR bells. Sigh.
2. Name one annoying thing that happens to you each time you get together with your family during the holidays. Without fail, somewhere, in our family, a sink backs up. This year, it was MINE at Thanksgiving. That, and my Mom burns the bread...
3. What is eggnog? Think about it. Does anybody really know?
I just so happened to be watching "Good Eats" before I came to work, and Alton Brown MADE Egg Nog. So, I do actually know. But I should leave it a surprise for the rest of you.
4. Don't take this personally but there are lots of fruitcakes walking around. Have you encountered any real live nuts lately?
Hello? I work in a hospital. Fruitcake, for me is a year 'round treat. Matter of fact, I am eyeballing one right at this moment.
5. Why were the nine Lords a'leaping in those annoying tights???!
Because their twigs and berries are outlined for all the world to see, and by jumping and leaping it focus' your attention to their attributes. Those Lords are shameless
6. What is the most annoying Christmas gift you've ever received?What did you do with it??
I don't know it is really annoying, but it IS odd. Someone gave me an ornament gift one year of a white cat, dressed in a big, fluffy crinoline dress. It is disturbing. But yet, it is hanging on my tree. ( In the back, though)
7. Let's admit it: Christmas, with all its splendor and goodwill, can also be a pain in the royal patootie. How do you plan to circumvent annoyances this year and enjoy the season? I don't know that I successfully circumvented the annoyances, but, I do remind myself daily how lucky I am to have what I have, and tell myself to be grateful, because I have people that love me, that I love in return, and that I still have family close enough to celebrate with, and I can choose to avoid the stress. But I admit sometimes it's difficult....
As usual, for more fun, go here
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 6 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
the meanderings of my tired mind on a rainy Monday
Rainy day Monday, and Christmas is a few short days away. I know that you all are feeling the same kind of time crunch I probably am. As much as I love this time of year, I also love for it to be over.... I worked last night, work tonight and tomorrow, too, then I am off for a few days, and we go to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family. This year's celebration is kind of bitter-sweet, what with my Dad being diagnosed with lymphoma, again, and, well, my Grandmother is getting older, and I have to remind myself that as much as I would like her to, she can't live forever. Makes me sad thinking about it, though, so I am just going to enjoy all these days and minutes that I have, and not focus on anything negative. Besides, I gotta go to sleep soon and I don't want to have sad dreams.
Posted by mielikki at 7:46 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday Mieography
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Queen Meme Tuesday
The Ex Files
2. Name one EXciting thing that happens in your life daily. I get to help parent a teenager!
3. Tell us the good, the bad and the uglies of your online EXperiences. The good? I met MM online.... The bad? I met a lot of toads before I met MM... the ugly? Um... those toads again.
4. What makes an ordinary day EXtraordinary and EXceptional? Different things, really, but anything that makes me laugh a lot makes an exceptional day for me
5. Name one embarrassing incident you had to EXplain to your mother when you were a child. Why I answered the door naked when the water guy came to give us fresh water. And why we got free water for 2 months after that... *grin*
6. If you could FedEX yourself anywhere in the world,
where would you go? Back to Paris
7. Who would you like to EXray and why? The Elephant Man, because I bet his films are cool! Or maybe, Mulder.. (but not Scully)
Posted by mielikki at 2:29 AM 5 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
mixed bag
Oh my brain, it does hurt.
Posted by mielikki at 12:06 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Posted by mielikki at 12:01 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
You Are On Your Way
1. You are at a party in a very bad mood. There is an obnoxious guest with a camera snapping pictures of everyone in sight. Do you allow the photographs or ask them to stop? I would probably smile politely, for ONE photo, and if the guy persisted, I would more than likely leave because I shouldn't be at a party in a bad mood. Or, I would "accidentally" toss a drink, or worse on him.
2. You are shopping and watch the lady beside you at the jewelry co
unter slip an expensive diamond ring in her purse. What do you do? Honestly? I would rat her out. Stealing is not okay. I'd probably feel more compassionate towards someone stealing food, but a diamond ring? Nope.
3. You are on your way to a black tie affair and running late. You are the guest speaker at this event and everyone is waiting for you. A police officer pulls you over for speeding. Do you make up a story or tell him where you are going and try to talk your way out of the citation? Tell us your excuse. My Nursing license is right next to my drivers license. Most cops really hate to ticket nurses, especially in their hometowns, because we have long memories, mwaa haa haa. I'd probably just cry, because, knock on wood, I have NEVER gotten a speeding ticket.
4. You are on your way downstairs on Christmas morning to see what Santa Claus left. There are no gifts under the tree. He leaves a note that reads, "You've been VERY naughty this year."
What did you do??! Cried on a cop ;) or lied to him. Um, what didn't I do might be a better question. Is Santa going to visit us in the dungeon?
5. You are halfway through a first date with someone you really like. Suddenly your ex walks in and sits down at the table beside you. What do you do? Have an even better time. But I would probably try to speed up the date a little until we left the restaurant. Or better yet, complain to the waiter that the guest they just seated smells like a distillery (which would be true) and ask to be moved.
6. You are on your way to meet a billionaire. She is going to give you enough money to live on for the rest of your life IF you can answer this question correctly: Which came first the chicken or the egg? Absolutely the egg. God wanted to see if he could make such a smooth, oval object produce something as funny looking as a chicken. Its his own personal joke.
7. You are on your way to the sun and moon and stars for an intergalactic vacation.
You crash into a rainbow.
What do you find in your pot of gold? The miracle cure for Cancer.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
So I had this blogpost all planned in my head kind of about Christmas lights, tree preferences and nosy cats, and cats who let you do just about anything to them.
Posted by mielikki at 10:15 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It is true
Nurses make the WORST patients.
Posted by mielikki at 1:11 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Still toiling away in the Queen's Dungeon....
3. Have you ever asked a sales clerk to remove something from display if it is the last one in the store? Tell us what special something would make you strip the clothes off a mannequin.
(which begs the question...Are all mannequins born naked?) I have, on occasion, asked for the very last one of something, as long as it isn't flawed or broken, why not?
5. I really don't care if a guy goes shopping with me. I'm in my own zone and always have a plan. Are you an alone-shopper or would you like to have company? OK I have given up all hope of ever getting out of the dungeon. I REALLY hope you're sitting down, my Queen.
6. Have you ever done anything other than actually try on clothes in a dressing room? (I have no idea why this question followed the previous one. Ahem.) Um. No. See my answer above. I avoid dressing rooms like the plague...
7. Do you like or do you get annoyed when salesclerks and store management follows you around asking "May I help you?" a million times? (I have no idea why this question followed the previous one.) I don't like being stalked by anyone in a store. However, when I do seem to need help, I can never seem to find any of my stalkers. It seems like they can sense when you need help, and then all disappear...
8. Create your very own store-brand name. (ie; Toys 'R Us, WalMart) What would YOUR establishment's name be?

Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday Morning Mush
So here we are, the Monday after Thanksgiving, hopefully recovered from our tryptophan hangovers, (those of us that chose to eat Turkey). I am struggling with the fact that it is nearly December, for 2 reasons.
Posted by mielikki at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
So how do you like your Turkey?
Posted by mielikki at 8:51 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Busy week
Ah, its Thanksgiving week..
Posted by mielikki at 11:50 AM 3 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday Mieography
This one is short, because frankly, I don't feel well.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 6 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Its coming up, soon.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Lets see if I can get out of the dungeon....
Don't have any? Come on now! Make up some....Well I happen to have two black cats in my household, and I actually think they are pretty lucky. I will admit that I don't like Friday 13th. I have had a few bad things happen to me on that day, so I tend to just stay home and avoid them if I can...
2. Has anything paranormal ever happened to you that you can write about?Once, when I was spending the night at my sister's house, I had gone to bed in the guest room, and I "felt" a small dog jump onto the foot of my bed, circle a few times, then lay down. They have a small dog, so I turned on the light, and she wasn't there. "Your imagining things", I thought. A few minutes later, as I was dropping off to sleep, I felt the same thing.... my brother in law thinks it was the spirit of one of his old beagles...
3. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
4. Pheromones...aka "love fireworks" (I think I remember those)...are a force to be reckoned with. Do you believe that two people can have an uncontrollable chemical reaction to each other? How do you know this to be true? Wow, this one is kind of tough. I've never really had what I would consider a chemical reaction to anyone. Attraction? yeah... I think I prefer the 'slow burn' kind that you know will last longer then that quick "boom!"
6. ESP! What do those letters stand for in your life? Everlasting Sensitive Platypus!
7. Do you ever hear strange noises in your house?
8. Tell us about a time you "knew" something was going to happened before it did. Are you one of those intuitive types or do you know someone who is ? Do tell. I once knew that my (now ex) husband was going to have a car accident on his way to work. He went to leave, and I just had this feeling. I told him to please be extra careful, and he kind of laughed at me. Until I got that phone call that someone had side swiped him on the freeway, causing extensive damage to his classic car. He wasn't laughing then....
9. I'm a tad gifted in the dream department. Really. Sometimes my dreams are prophetic and come true. It can be a blessing and a curse. Has this ever happened to you? If not, would you like to have this gift? (Be careful what you wish for. It can be freaky at times.) You know, I really wouldn't like for this gift to be given to me. I do have premonitions at times, and that is freaky enough for me. My dreams are so bright and vivid, I usually remember them all very well, and if they started coming true I think that I might be afraid to go to sleep, and it would make my insomnia problem worse... so, no thanks!!!
As usual, to see more participants, go here
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 9 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Parental Units
Posted by mielikki at 1:21 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday Mieography
For the first time in my mieography history, I am going to repeat someone.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
so this is how that feels...
Last night, MM and I went to meet some of his old friends from high school for drinks and dinner. One of them was visiting from out of state, so it seemed like too nice of an opportunity to pass up. Plus, I don't often pass up the chances at a good mojito...
Posted by mielikki at 12:30 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
the Queen hath returned
1. How do you find your own personal peace/nirvana? I go someplace quiet, if I can find one, and try to empty my mind of all that is causing me stress. I will admit, sometimes, I am not able to get where I need to. Then I lay awake and grumble
2. Where do you go to find respite and solace? If the weather is good, my hammock in the back yard. If the weather is not so good, well, I really like rainfall, and a warm fire, so I will usually relax in the quiet house
Is there a particular place, city, country, room in your house? Oh if only my hammock were it's own country. Usually, anywhere near a body of water I can find some internal peace and relaxation
3. Who is the most peace-loving person you know? What makes them so? Ah, peace loving? Honestly I think everyone I know loves peace. This is a hard one for me... Probably my friend, Mrs. Kilt (not her real name) because she has made peace with so many things in her life that I think would be difficult to make peace with.
4. What do you do when your inner peace is threatened? Retreat! Retreat! Honestly? Retreat! I stick my head in the ground like an Ostrich.
Do you have a strategy, a routine, religious faith, a calm yourself down? I remind myself that I am not alone, and know that whatever happens, is what happens. Sometimes we just have to go with it, and find that open window. If all else fails, a hot shower usually does me some good.
5. What is your favorite comfort food? It depends, really. Usually something starchy.
6. Do you have a pet that brings you happiness and peace? If not, what type of animals bring you peaceful thoughts? My fish tank calms me nicely. Something about those nice, floaty fish
7. What is your favorite peace song? Oh, dang another tough question. The Christmas song "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me", or, possibly Imagine. Too hard to call
8. Did you post a peace globe on November 5th-Here is where I get tossed in the dungeon. I did not post a peace globe. But not because I didn't want to! Life, these last few weeks has been, uh, kind of rough, and honestly? I wasn't in the best frame of mind to write any kind of blog post on peace. I don't want to 'half ass' anything, so I actually took the high road (I think) and left the peace talk to the ones who could be more eloquent and heart felt than I was. When things even out, and I can sit back and find that right spot, I will get a peace globe. But I want to mean it.
for more players, go here
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 4 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ready for New Years.

Posted by mielikki at 2:32 AM 4 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
Friday Mieography
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
sometimes, it never goes away.
Posted by mielikki at 2:13 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Creepy old man!
Way back when in 67
I was the dandy
Of Gamma Chi
Sweet things from Boston
So young and willing
Moved down to Scarsdale
And where the hell am I
Hey Nineteen
No we can't dance together
No we can't talk at all
Please take me along
When you slide on down
Hey Nineteen
That's 'Retha Franklin
She don't remember the Queen of Soul
It's hard times befallen
The sole survivors
She thinks I'm crazy
But I'm just growing old
Hey Nineteen
No we got nothing in common
No we can't talk at all
Please take me along
When you slide on down
The Cuervo Gold
The fine Colombian
Make tonight a wonderful thing
We can't dance together
No we can't talk at all
Posted by mielikki at 12:47 PM 4 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
I give love a bad name
I was running some errands the other day, listening to this radio station, (call letters are Jack, ironically).
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 4 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday Mieography
You could call this woman by many names.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
sugar high
Most of us, at this particular time of year (myself included) find ourselves partaking of more candy than we usually would. I firmly believe Halloween brings out the sugar tooth in all of us. Except those who have no sugar tooth at all. I've met a few like that, they are few and far between.

Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: candy
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
my crazy dreams strike again
I had the strangest dream last night.
Posted by mielikki at 12:16 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
the sock that killed my brain
Ah, Monday again.
Posted by mielikki at 11:51 AM 3 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Margaret Tobin was born in Missouri, to her Irish immigrant parents, John and Johanna. She and her sister moved to Leadville, Colorado, when she was 18, where she got a job in a department store. She met, and married James Joseph Brown, (known as JJ), who was the son of Irish immigrants, as well. She had planned to marry a rich man, but, fell in love with JJ instead. They had two children, a boy and a girl. JJ was no slacker, and they came into great wealth because JJ knew engineering. Margaret became involved in women's rights, helping to establish the National American Woman's Suffrage Association (NAWSA), and she also worked in the local soup kitchens, helping to feed the poor families (usually miners) in the area.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
you smell!
Whats with all the celebrities that want us to smell like them?
at least, thats how I perceive it...
I was thumbing through a magazine, today, and page after page, was a celebrity, touting perfumes, or colognes.
Tom Brady, for Stetson
Halle Berry, Faith Hill AND Tim McGraw, for their own,
and lets not forget those Britney adds.
I actually blame Elizabeth Taylor.
I know, I know. She's sick, she's old....
but she has hawked SO MANY perfumes.... she kind of started this mess, didn't she?
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
4th amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
This amendment is one, admittedly, that I started out not really knowing anything about it’s creation, or why our forefathers needed it to be.
What I’ve learned, is that the British were very fond of something called a “writ of assistance", which pretty much gave them the right to search for anything, anywhere, at any time, without expiration or cause. You see, they didn’t want any “prohibited or uncustomed” goods in the hands of the Americans.
So, they would search. Repeatedly, and take what they found, or what they wanted. Especially in lean times, because they needed to feed their army. These writs only expired six months after the sovereign died, which means as long as the king was alive, any home could be searched, and any goods taken, since most things were prohibited and uncustomed. Smuggling was at its height during this era, since there was a blockade in place preventing the delivery of supplies to the shores of America. I imagine the people were pretty sick of having strangers go through their homes, and supplies, and seeing said supplies get taken by His Majesties red coats. To feed the other red coats. I would hazard a guess that the loyalist homes were searched far less often than any of the “rebels”. I completely understand why our forefathers sought to prevent this. It would get very old, very quickly.
As important as this amendment was for them, it is just as important for us. Probably the most important phrase in this amendment, one that gets debated, and hung up on a regular basis is “probable cause”. One definition that I have found in my search is this:
"a reasonable amount of suspicion, supported by circumstances sufficiently strong to justify a prudent and cautious person's belief that certain facts are probably true". (wikipedia). I am guessing that the judge is meant to be the prudent and cautious person. But, as I am sure we all realize, judges are people, with their own failings, and frailties, and I am positive that the fine people who work in law enforcement are aware of which failing and or frailty most judges have, and apply for their warrants accordingly. Were I in their shoes, I would do the same.
None the less, probable cause must be demonstrated. And can be very subjective. Another point of this amendment that frequently comes under fire is what is specifically included in the search warrant itself. If a room, or a person, or a car is searched that was not included in that warrant, any evidence that has been gathered will more than likely be in-admissable. This can, and has, make or break any case that comes up in front of any judge. It can get a guilty person freed on a technicality. The person doing the investigation, searching the homes, and effects must follow that warrant to the letter. I would not want that job.
As an aside, though, my question is this. When a house is searched, do they really toss the house, and leave it a big, giant mess? If they don’t find anything do they send someone to clean the house? I would be a very angry citizen indeed if, for some reason, law enforcement came in and wreaked my house. But I digress...
I do have another question. One that was not even a consideration for our forefathers.
I bet, the first time a computer got searched, it was hotly debated. Is it considered our “papers”? We keep most of our documents in computers these days. It is one of our effects. Which is specified in the amendment. Do they have to, specifically site computers on the search warrant? Do they bring a computer specialist to the house to break into the computer, and read what’s on it, or do they simply take the modem with them. If they find no other evidence in the house what so ever, CAN they just take the modem to search at their leisure? I obviously, have never been searched. Nor do I plan on being searched. Besides, all they’d really have to do is read my blog do decide that though I am a nut job, I am an innocent nut job....
Posted by mielikki at 4:21 PM 2 comments
What is going to happen....
Like most nurses in California, I belong to a union. CNA, as a matter of fact. (California Nurses Association.). This is mandatory, to work at my hospital. My hospital is a member of a group of hospitals, and organization called Catholic Healthcare West. (CHW). I can (and have) transfer to other CHW hospitals, maintaining my senority, and, more importantly, my retirement funds. We, (nurses), contract with our hospital, usually every 3-4 years. When the contract is up, our union, and representatives from our hospital negotiate with the hospital grand poobah's for what we want our next contract to include. You can bet, we always want a raise. We always want safe staffing for our patients, and a host of other items that probably wouldn't mean a darn thing to you. Some of them are 'red herrings', things we don't REALLY want, but we have to have something to negotiate, right?
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 6 comments