1. An unexpected blizzard occurs. The power goes out for 10 days. There is no food in the house, no gas in the car, no heat, no TV, no computer, nada! You are snowed in and can't get to the store for supplies. How would you survive? How would you get out of this mess?
Lucky enough for me, we live on a property with plenty of trees, and we have fire wood. I have a snow shovel and I know how to use it. I can get a fire going, melt snow into acceptable water, and, well, I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a fish tank...
2. Tell us about your last snowball fight. During the winter those are a semi regular thing around here. If we walk out the front door, and there is snow, someone is going to get pelted with it. Even if it's just one of the dogs.
3. You have been asked to make a snowman. What is his name? Periwinkle
4. I have mountains of snow outside my door. I would like to make snow soup. What is the recipe? STAY AWAY FROM THE YELLOW SNOW. Other than that, just get a big pot, some local vegetation, and go for it! Snow soup is never made the same way, twice.
5. It is Day 5 of the Big Blog Blizzard. You have been hunkered down for a very long time and in danger of losing your sanity. Your blog neighbors (that would be us) come callin' to see if you're OK. We peek in the window. What do we see?
What are you doing in there? You more than likely see me sitting there, typing on a dead computer, and talking to the 22 pound black cat like she understands me....
6. Who is the flakiest snowflake in your life?
Past or present. We are each, in our own way, a different kind of snowflake. For me to pick out the flakiest would tax my brain too much
7. You are Snow White. Which dwarf is your favorite and why? Sleepy. Because I love a good nap.
8. What is the most fun you've ever had inside during a snowstorm? I enjoy just being INSIDE during the snow storm, relaxing with my family, happy that we are all safe, and warm and don't have to venture out into it!
9. What was Jack Frost nipping at? Jack is a meanie, and nips at anything he can get to in his realm. I think his mom didn't breastfeed him...
10. Due to blobal warming (that's blog + global for all you non-blog speakers) your snowman has prematurely melted. What was his last request? That we turn him into snow soup
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
4 weeks ago
Don't worry about being alone until the black cat actually speaks to you.
Your answers were great and I loved the one that said... "You more than likely see me sitting there, typing on a dead computer, and talking to the 22 pound black cat like she understands me"
I have a black cat that talks to me all the time. He is so interactive that I think he thinks he is human. He doesn't weigh 22 lbs. He is skinny, but he is still hugable.
Very entertaining.
A good analysis of Jack Frost. Are you a psychiatrist?
"We are each, in our own way, a different kind of snowflake."
Awwwhhh....I like that!
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