I have seen this done much, lately, most recently, over at Jo's Place. It looked like fun, so I gave it a whirl.
Go here if you want to make a mosaic of your own. Go to a website where you can get random images for what you are typing in, and copy/paste in the URL's of your answers. It's that easy.
Here then, are the questions, with my answers in parenthesis, and explainations, if needed!
1. Your first name (mielikki. Putting in my real first name kept bringing up pron stars)
2. Favorite food? (chicken)
3. What High School did you attend? (Calaveras. It means Skull, in spanish. Lovely, huh?)
4. Favorite color (green)
5. Celebrity crush? (Swedish Chef. I don't crush on a 'real' celebrity. And I don't want to join the David Tennant fray. You ladies scare me)
6. Favorite drink? (iced tea)
7. Dream vacation? (british isles. All of them, one long, glorious, trip)
8. favorite dessert? (Creme Brulee)
9. What do you want to be when I grow up? (true to myself. And I am)
10. What do you love most in life? (All my "people")
11. One word to describe you? (stubborn)
12. Your blog name (absolutely no pictures came up...)
So there you go, a glimpse of me, in mosaic form....
go play if you want to. If not, have a good Monday, anyhow!
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
I really want to do that, too. Love it!
I am going to do it ...
#3, so true. And, you are true to yourself, rock on, my friend!
oh me likey some swedish chef....
seriously. he's not.
no really.
yay! iced tea!
yes. you should totally visit the british isles. some cool chick lives there who would love to entertain you.
actually, perhaps "blue" is the flickr representation of "what it's like to be mie" ... hmm? hmm?
okay i'll go now.
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