(or, if you prefer, a sparkling beermaid).
Mustang Girl rolled back into town this weekend, just in time to work on sorting out her room before she gets busy with highschool. It's her first gander at the new house, filled with our stuff. I am sure it is a little bit of culture shock for her, but she is bearing up, well.
Saturday, we went to eat some good food and spend some time with the usual suspects. Clancy, his wife, and kids were there, I have blogged them before. Whom I have neglected, blog-wise, are the other usual suspects. This particular fun loving, long married couple have 4 children, age ranged from 17 to 4. The youngest is a delightful little girl, (the only girl of their brood). We will call her Myrtle, for not so obvious reasons to the rest of you. (MM will get it, though).
Myrtle is a very precocious, fun loving little thing. With 3 brothers, she has to be tough, too. And she is the apple of her father's eye. I will have to tell the story of how I first met the wee Myrtle. It's hilarious. So excuse me while I go off subject for a moment and tell this.
Myrtle and her family went trick or treating last Halloween with Clancy and his wife, and their brood. Clancy's wife brought all the kids to my door, and a number of them needed to use the facilities. Clancy's kids I recognise, but there was an extra child, dressed as a black cat, tagging along with them. In they came. Less than 5 minutes after, (more like ONE minute)a pounding sounded at my door. I open it, and a man is standing there, looking a bit frantic about the eyes, and he says "do you have my daughter?"
Crap. My mind immediately goes to the wee black cat who came in at the tail end of Clancy's brood. Was she a hitch hiker on the potty train? Did I just inadvertently kidnap a strangers child? "Ummm" says I.
MM sticks his head around the corner, grinning. Hi! he says to the man, who by this time was in my door. Angry father immediately relaxes, realizing his little black cat is in a known home. Out come the bathroom troops, MM and I don shoes, and trick or treat the neighborhood with them. It was fun.
Okay. Back to Saturday. All the kiddo's were outside, the older kids hiding from the younger kids and talking that teenager stuff. The younger kids doing arts and crafts. Clancy's wife brought a plethora of fun. Yarn, face paint, glue, and a big bag of shiny rhinestones. They'd been creating all day. I wandered out with my dinner, and oohed and aaahed over everyones faces, and jeweled creations. Myrtle, more interested in me, than her dinner, decided she needed to use the (non-toxic) glue to glue rhinestones to my face. Making me, at her insistance, a sparkling mermaid. Well who DOESN'T want to be a sparkling mermaid?
So I dispensed the glue, and she went to town. I even had a blue sapphire on the end of my nose. MM came out at one point, but he was sent packing, so that he would be surprised at my sparkling mermaid-ness. At one point, Myrtles Dad came out, with a fresh Guinness for me. (bless the man). When I was all sparkled up to her satisfaction, Myrtle and I traipsed back in to show off my mermaid-ness. I was double fisting the Guinness, as I had not finished the last one. MM, was surprised and in awe of my jeweled sparklyness, and Myrt's Dad tagged me with the sparkling beermaid moniker. Thankfully, no pictures were obtained. (mermaids are shy, you know).
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
No pics? That's just wrong.
Nice tail, er, tale!
You cannot tell a story like that without pictures! I demand you relive it!
glad she's home! See you all in a couple weeks.
Cami we are glad she is home, as well
Lori-not on your life. I give YOU permission to become a sparkling mermaid/beermaid though.
David- I wasn't in the Navy for nothin;.
BW it was the one time I was glad everyone was too buzzed and laughing to grab their cameras.
no no no. now i have taken photos of myself in the most ridiculous of situations. and you won't give us one sparkly nose? honestly! sometimes i don't think you love us at all!
i'm kidding. of course you do.
yes I do love you holly, but not enough to let a picture be taken of me with what looked like sparkly acne all over my face, placed by a four year old energetic child who had no concept of any kind of pattern. Sparkly is the nice way to describe it.......
maybe next time, because I bet Myrtle will come for me, again....
because I am her sparkly mermaid
Aw, how nice to be a sparkly mermaid!!
I have to admit, I'd rather have a sparkly beermaid, but a mermaid works, too (as long as she delivers beer, that is)!
I always wanted to be a mermaid from the first time I saw Miranda, an old British movie...lovely post. David sent me...
Awwww no pictures? My imagination is working overtime...
Oh, I bet you looked gorgeous lovely Mie. Miss M and Miss E do my make up sometimes. I wouldn't post pics of that either. ;)
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