Fess up, you parents out there
you never tell us how much fun embarrassing the children can be....
Case in point
The other night, Friday night, Mustang Girl attended *the* 8th grade dance, held at the wild hour of 7 pm. She had attempted to convince us that she should get a ride with a friend who lived up the street, but, sadly, we did not agree to that.
We took her ourselves.
As she wandered towards the gym, and the other kids, her Dad and I leaned out the car windows, calling her name loudly, sobbing for her to come back to us, and basically carried on as if we had just been released from an insane asylum. Then, pulling forward a bit, we passed by a small alleyway that got us even closer to her, and within earshot of all the kids around, and repeated our performance. The look on her face was priceless. Eye rolling extrodinare. The girl is gifted. And as we drove away, we were laughing like the lunatics we are....
You can all start donating to MGs therapy fund now, if you wish....
In other news. I found a sure fire way to get the new car smell to go away. Go the grocery store, get a bunch of groceries, including a whole, organic chicken. Load groceries into car, not noticing that the chicken, in its own, double plastic bagged elusiveness, slides out, and under the drivers seat. Leave the chicken there for 2 days, then discover it as you are pulling out your work bag. Bonus points if you can quickly run to the street and flag down poor MM and make him bring the chicken home to toss it out.
Yes, Roxie is topless for sure, and she will be until the smell goes away. It was almost gone this morning. UGH!
And, final note before my nap. If, by any chance, I am at work, and providing care for your child? Please do not holler at me, repeatedly "Why are you traumatizing my daughter?" when the phlebotomist comes in to draw morning labs. *I* am not traumatizing her, you are by yelling at the poor, tired nurse. And morning labs are necessary, sometimes. Even for 3 year olds. I understand the frustration, i do. But yelling at me? Not gonna do you any good....
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
1 month ago
Oh how fun was the torture!
I will have to blog someday about how I stuck a fish in someones car in the middle of summer.
Not nice.
Stupid people yelling at nurses, kick them!
I am not sure what I am laughing at more .. the torture of MustangGirl or the wayward chicken ..
Parents should be muzzled.
this morning in our cafeteria I saw a sign: Uncaged eggs
I fear for whoever ordered an omelet today....Daryl
Maybe you should have had the phlebotomist stick the parent with a needle instead . . .
It's the silver lining in parenting, I tell ya!
I understand that the blood work has to be done, no problem, but it is hard enough to sleep in the hospital with all the noises that occur, however having blood drawn at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning is not helping you get the rest that all of keep telling us to get when you are through with us. Nighttime was a big insentive for me to leave, so I could get some rest. I know Mie, you are doing a very difficult job, and probably very well too, but the mom of a 3 year old isn't resting at all. When D. W. was hospitalized we couldn't rest until he was home. It is a very bad situation for all. Everybody just needs to let others do their job and do theirs too. NanaK
roxie, topless. what a tart. a smelly smelly tart.
Those are good times. Carissa DIES of embarassment whenever I even bob my head along to a song when others are around. So, imagine what it's like when I blare the radio and full on dance when her friends are over!
Roxie - riding around topless with a chick! Whore!
Seriously, that chicken story makes me sick! Horrifying!
And I can't WAIT until I can get to the age of horrifying Gilda! At her age now she is still mostly amused when I am obnoxious.
I guess you gave that chicken "free range" of your car. What? Not funny. Too bad.
Okay. MG - hilarious. The chicken - bleurghhhh. The parent - ar*ehole.
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