Oh God its sooooo good to be home. I am so very tired. This vacation was no relaxation. I will expound in more detail tomorrow, (later today by this point) but here are some of the fun, and not so fun highlights you can look forward to.
I "accidentally" tossed a piece of gum onto a lawn of a particular, uhm, pale house with lots of fences around it over in DC on my Aunt S's birthday. Just for her. And because I would have been arrested throwing what she REALLY wanted us to toss onto said lawn.
I drank my weight in Bordeaux at the Sofitel Lafayette in DC. It was so good, I want to go back for more
Though I wanted to, numerous times, I did not commit matricide. The closest I came to it was at the tombs of the unknown soldiers in DC
Oh how I love Central Park
Our first day in NY, my friend Nancy, who was with us, learned that her dog, Edmund, had died. I loved that dog. We found out literally seconds after I posted that brief note...
Then, Friday, Celtic Rose's sweet doggie Murray went the way of the rainbow as well. I loved that dog as much as I loved Edmund. My furry nephews will be missed. :(\
NY pizza is the best, I don't care what anyone says
The Statue of Liberty is very very small
I missed you all. . .
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
4 weeks ago
OMG. Thank god you're home. THat was the perfect b-day present for aunt S.
Sweet! I am so glad you're home!
NY pizza IS the best.
Yes, NY Pizza is the best, and I do love Central Park too...
Welcome back.
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