I do know, to never say Never.
Monday, December 27, 2010
A list of Never's.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I'm still here
And I have a doozy of a blog post to write you all, I really do.
Posted by mielikki at 8:10 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
just catching up...
Saturday did totally rock, what with the Navy winning and all. Next year, will be a decade of wins. I already can't wait....
Posted by mielikki at 3:33 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Go Navy!
I can't let this week go any further without mentioning that Saturday is the Navy-Army game.
Posted by mielikki at 8:01 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 6, 2010
so I have to ask...
When did it become okay for children to be getting coffee?
Posted by mielikki at 6:24 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
RamLoach-the story
This is Rambo Loach (RamLoach), and Mini Loach is in the shot, too...
Posted by mielikki at 4:33 PM 4 comments
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A gift
Because you were all so patient and kind during our snowpocalypse of the last week, reading my whining, on here, and on FB about how badly it sucked to be without power for five days,
Posted by mielikki at 8:52 PM 4 comments
Friday, November 26, 2010
And now, for the rest of the story....
So I left off, despondant in a hotel room, not knowing what Thanksgiving would bring.
Posted by mielikki at 4:45 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Best Laid Plans
Ugh. is all I have to say about this particular week
Posted by mielikki at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Friday, November 19, 2010
In my head.....

Posted by mielikki at 9:29 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
And so it begins...
Posted by mielikki at 6:14 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 4 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
I live in a very cool area.
Posted by mielikki at 10:47 AM 4 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
National Dunce Day
Posted by mielikki at 4:02 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
The song stuck in my head right now
Lump sat alone in a boggy marsh,
totally emotionless except for her heart
Mud flowed up into lump's pajamas
she totally confused all the passing pihranas
She's lump, she's lump
She's in my head
She's lump, she's lump, she's lump
She might be dead
Lump lingered last in line for brains
and the one she got was sorta rotten and insane
Small things so sad that birds could land
Is lump fast asleep or rockin' out with the band?
She's lump, she's lump
She's in my head
She's lump, she's lump, she's lump
She might be dead
Lump was limp and lonely and needed a shove
Lump slipped on a kiss and tumbled into love
She spent her twenties between the sheets
Life limped along at sub-sonic speeds
She's lump, she's lump
She's in my head
She's lump, she's lump, she's lump
She might be dead
Is this lump outta my head?
I think so
Is this lump outta my head?
I think so
Is this lump outta my head?
I think so
Is this lump outta my head?
Posted by mielikki at 9:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The one where I blog about Halloween weekend
Where to start... where to start.....

Posted by mielikki at 12:44 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
The wonderful, fantabulisitic Mustang Man had a great idea a few weeks back...
Posted by mielikki at 4:57 PM 5 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2010
its raining...
I really, really wonder if my dreams can get any more strange.
Posted by mielikki at 12:04 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
And So...
I enter a blue a period.
Posted by mielikki at 2:29 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
Posted by mielikki at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
my brain. It hurts.
I have the strangest thoughts in the middle of the night. My brain really must feel like I limit it during the day time, because it rambles so in my dreams.
Posted by mielikki at 9:05 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
the cake game
So, what's going on in your world?
Posted by mielikki at 1:48 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
The plague
Someone, somewhere, within the last week-ish decided to share their infectious process with me. Its only SEPTEMBER and I have my first cold of the season. It hit, of course, the day before MG's birthday party, rendering me achy, crabby, and snot filled for the weekend. Bastard cold.
Posted by mielikki at 11:52 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The small things in life
Another thing I really don't blog much about is being a step mom. (because that is what we call me, here).
Posted by mielikki at 12:58 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
glasses, or spectacles?
So, writing down my thoughts about grief was a good catharsis for me, I was able to get those deep thoughts out of my brain, so I could move on to other thoughts that aren't quite as dark.
Posted by mielikki at 3:21 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
a discussion of grief. Not my best blog post, but out here none the less
Ok, take two, or maybe three of writing this one. If I don't get it all out this time, I will probably trash can it, so here we go.
Posted by mielikki at 3:40 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 27, 2010
decisions, decisions
Stepping out the doors, I appreciatively breathe in the clean, fresh air, and glance around me, hugging myself, feeling both lucky, and apprehensive. Its early. I get to go home, and sleep. But, one more patient admitted to my floor brings me back. Will I go home and go to bed? Or stay awake, waiting for that intrusive phone call that recalls me back to the florescent world I just left.
Posted by mielikki at 11:56 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
coming to a television near you
So here we are again
Posted by mielikki at 3:22 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I started this conversation last night with MM, but, poor soul, he was tired, and went to sleep instead.
Posted by mielikki at 11:41 AM 5 comments
Labels: I has a sad
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tomorrow is the first day of school for the kids of my county.
Posted by mielikki at 11:23 AM 3 comments
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The last of the read along questions....
1) In Chapter 9, a restless Rat meets a Seafaring Rat who entices him with the lure of the open sea and of travelling. Entranced, Rat starts to leave with him, but is hindered by Mole. What did you think of this scene, and what did you think of Mole’s cure for his wanderlust? I actually thought this chapter was really bizarre, and it it kind of interrupted the flow of the book for me. Of all the characters that would be enticed this way, I would not have thought it of Rat. I think Mole did the best he could, and the only thing he knew to do. After all, it's what they tried to do to keep Toad in check. But this chapter disturbed me. I didn't like it. Especially when he changed Rat's eye color. It was almost as if he were trying to get us to buy into the fact that Rat got possessed by the seafaring rat. Yech.
3) In Chapter 11, Rat tells Toad, “Now, Toady, I don't want to give you pain, after all you've been through already; but, seriously, don't you see what an awful ass you've been making of yourself? On your own admission you have been handcuffed, imprisoned, starved, chased, terrified out of your life, insulted, jeered at, and ignominiously flung into the water--by a woman, too! Where's the amusement in that? Where does the fun come in?” and Toad’s response is, perhaps surprisingly, “Now, it was a very comforting point in Toad's character that he was a thoroughly good-hearted animal and never minded being jawed by those who were his real friends. And even when most set upon a thing, he was always able to see the other side of the question. So although, while the Rat was talking so seriously, he kept saying to himself mutinously, `But it WAS fun, though! Awful fun!' and making strange suppressed noises inside him, k-i-ck-ck-ck, and poop-p-p, and other sounds resembling stifled snorts, or the opening of soda-water bottles, yet when the Rat had quite finished, he heaved a deep sigh and said, very nicely and humbly, `Quite right, Ratty! How SOUND you always are! Yes, I've been a conceited old ass, I can quite see that; but now I'm going to be a good Toad, and not do it any more.” – he resolves to return to Toad Hall but is thwarted by the fact that it was taken over by stroats and weasels. The rest of the chapter involves plans to reclaim Toad Hall by our crew of four. What do you think of Toad’s response to Rat? What do you think of the preparations for the “big battle?” Once a Toad, always a Toad? Though he seemed miserable during his whole 'adventure' away from home, he was, sub-conciously, thrilled at having another tale to tell his friends at home. He was miserable, I suspect, at the prospect that he might not make it home to TELL them. Once he did, of course he is going to consider it a fun adventure. Because if it wasn't fun to go adventure, then he'd have to settle down, wouldn't he?
4) Chapter 12 is the climatic battle, and resolution. What do you think of this chapter? Is it a satisfying ending to this situation? I guess so. But I have to admit, by the end of this book, I was kind of disappointed. I had a hard time getting through the last few chapters, especially after the odd Ratty gets possessed chapter.
5) Our book ends “After this climax, the four animals continued to lead their lives, so rudely broken in upon by civil war, in great joy and contentment, undisturbed by further risings or invasions. Toad, after due consultation with his friends, selected a handsome gold chain and locket set with pearls, which he dispatched to the gaoler's daughter with a letter that even the Badger admitted to be modest, grateful, and appreciative; and the engine-driver, in his turn, was properly thanked and compensated for all his pains and trouble. Under severe compulsion from the Badger, even the barge-woman was, with some trouble, sought out and the value of her horse discreetly made good to her; though Toad kicked terribly at this, holding himself to be an instrument of Fate, sent to punish fat women with mottled arms who couldn't tell a real gentleman when they saw one. The amount involved, it was true, was not very burdensome, the gipsy's valuation being admitted by local assessors to be approximately correct.
Sometimes, in the course of long summer evenings, the friends would take a stroll together in the Wild Wood, now successfully tamed so far as they were concerned; and it was pleasing to see how respectfully they were greeted by the inhabitants, and how the mother-weasels would bring their young ones to the mouths of their holes, and say, pointing, `Look, baby! There goes the great Mr. Toad! And that's the gallant Water Rat, a terrible fighter, walking along o' him! And yonder comes the famous Mr. Mole, of whom you so often have heard your father tell!' But when their infants were fractious and quite beyond control, they would quiet them by telling how, if they didn't hush them and not fret them, the terrible grey Badger would up and get them. This was a base libel on Badger, who, though he cared little about Society, was rather fond of children; but it never failed to have its full effect.” What did you think of this ending? And, what did you think of the book overall? I thought the end was kind of weak. I don't believe for a minute that Toad could settle down and not cause trouble. I would bet money that Mole would eventually find his way back to his snug warren, and visit often. And I feel like the Badger character got lost towards the end. He just seemed grumpy and unhappy to me. The end of this book, for me, was anti climactic.
6) The delightful Grace passed along this article about Kenneth Grahame After learning more about his life, does it alter or change your opinion of the book? I can't open the article, so I am at a loss for this one
7) Anything I’ve missed? Still don't think so
Posted by mielikki at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
More read along with Mimi
1) In Chapter 5, Mole and Rat go by Mole’s house and Mole is reminded, “but it was my own little home--and I was fond of it--and I went away and forgot all about it--and then I smelt it suddenly--on the road, when I called and you wouldn't listen, Rat--and everything came back to me with a rush--and I WANTED it!” – what did you think about Mole’s reaction to his home?
2) Later in the same chapter, there is a very sweet Christmas scene. After field-mice serenade Mole and Rat, they reciprocate by throwing a dinner. What did this say about Christmas traditions of England at the turn of the 20th Century, and what did you think Mole and Rat drew from it?
3) In Chapter 6 despite everyone else’s best efforts, Toad escapes, steals a car, and a Wild Ride ensues. What did you think of this episode, and did it confirm or change your opinion of Toad? Sadly, I STILL don't like Toad. Were I his friends, I am afraid that I would have left Toad to his own destruction, and to spend his money as he wished. It just confirmed to me that he is a, well, for lack of a better description, a manipulative little Toad.
4) In the next chapter Badger’s son goes missing and is found by Mole and Rat with Pan. What did you think of the description of Pan and of their meeting? I loved the fact that there was still, after all these years, something new for Ratty on the river. This was a beautiful chapter, one of my favorites thus far.
5) Chapter 8 finds Toad jailed (or gaoled ) for his crimes. Ulimately he befriends the gaoler’s daughter and escapes. Does this episode teach Toad anything? Do you think this was a reasonable punishment? The punishment was a bit extreme, but I don't think Toad will learn much from it. I think it will temporarily slow him down, the recollection of how miserable and depressed he was when he was locked in a TRUE prison, (as opposed to being guarded by his friends). Eventually, that recollection will fade into a distant, unpleasant memory, and then Toad will get distracted by something else new and shiny, and away he will go. Its his nature. And truthfully? I doubt his friends would want him any other way. In a strange way, its kind of like McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. He was trouble from the start, but when the "man" lobotomized him, and cured him, his best friend didn't want him that way, and smothered him. I do hope this book doesn't end with smothered Toad, though...
6) Anything that I’ve missed or anything you’d like to mention? Still can't think of anything. But my brain is tired.
Posted by mielikki at 8:41 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Read along with Mimi
1) What do you think about the characters beinganthropomorphized
animals? Is this easy or difficult for you to reconcile with their behaviors?
2) Chapter One introduces us to Mole and his experiences one spring day as he decides to forego house cleaning and frolic in the fresh air instead. What do you think of his joy in the spring and of the river: “Never in his life had he seen a river before--this sleek, sinuous, full-bodied animal, chasing and chuckling, gripping things with a gurgle and leaving them with a laugh, to fling itself on fresh playmates that shook themselves free, and were caught and held again. All was a-shake and a-shiver--glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble. The Mole was bewitched, entranced, fascinated.”
3) What do you think attracts Mole and Rat as friends? I think initially, Ratty is attracted to Mole because he just can't fathom that Mole knows nothing of the river that Ratty knows, and loves. Its incomprehensible to him that there is "someone" out there who doesn't know of the river. (Inconceivable!). For his part, Mole is so taken with the river that I think he'd do anything to stay near it. As time goes on, they get used to each other, and comfortable with each other. I think they bring out the best in each other. As solitary animals, they were wanting companionship, and they found it with each other.
4) In Chapter Two, we meet Toad who “Disregarding the Rat, he proceeded to play upon the inexperienced Mole as on a harp. Naturally a voluble animal, and always mastered by his imagination, he painted the prospects of the trip and the joys of the open life and the roadside in such glowing colours that the Mole could hardly sit in his chair for excitement” and embarks with Mole and Rat in tow. What do you think of Toad, and of their adventure? And, what do you think when at the end of the chapter, Toad buys a car.
5) In Chapters Three and Four winter comes and we are introduced to Badger. What do you think of the contrast between the spring and summer adventures, and the winter adventures? Also, what do you think of the character of Badger and how he joins in?
6) As we finish this section, are there other themes or questions I’ve missed? No, I think you covered it pretty well.
Posted by mielikki at 12:57 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hotel Hershey?
Where you can take a 'Whipped Cocoa Bath'. Cocoa powder included, to help tighten your skin.
Posted by mielikki at 5:30 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
bonus Wordless Wednesday
I put my hand in the tank to fix the filter nozzle gizmo, and Jacques decided it needed a cleaning. I got a cleaner shrimp manicure. Silly shrimp.
Posted by mielikki at 1:51 PM 4 comments
nearly wordless wednesday

Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
and so we start another
Posted by mielikki at 3:55 PM 3 comments