I was looking at some news yesterday and I came across three cases of people who are just too dumb to procreate. Celtic Rose and I couldn't decide which one was the dumbest, so I am leaving it up to you guys. Vote in my comments who deserves the Darwin award
1. There was this 25 year old man in Alabama who decided to make free use of an 85 year old lady's washing machine. He knows her and all, and figured it was fine to just help himself, in her garage. This little old sweet thang has a gun. And she used it. She shot the mo-fo, because she couldn't see who he was. All she saw was some dude standing there in his underwear. (All his clothes were in the machine.) Right in the leg, and the bullet travelled into his stomach. She fell on the ground from the kick of the gun, and he snatched it from her, took his clothing out, and ran away, where the police found him with a hole and a leak. Now. Wouldn't it have been easier to walk up to the front door and ask "granny, can I use the machine?"
2. In Pennsylvania, a woman discovered that her toilet had back flowed, and was leaking down into her kitchen. Frustrated, she began to curse the toilet out, whilst telling her daughter to call the plumber. She was really angry. Her neighbor, and off duty cop, heard her cursing the toilet, and asked her to be quiet. Well. She must have been pissed. She kept cussing the toilet as she tried to salvage things. So, Mr. off duty cop called the cops and she got busted for public profanity or some crap like that.
The cop must be very sensitive, indeed, and never have heard such words. Maybe it scared the poor man. COME ON! She was in her own house! Cursing at her own toilet! Maybe, he could have gone over and tried to help her, and she would have calmed down! And this is not a way to make friends with your neighbors. She could be fined up to 300.00. BW, be kind to your neighbors. They might not like "potty mouth".
3. Last, but not least. Some bright speciman in Australia decided to walk a plank over to his neighbors balcony. Did I mention he was in his underwear, too? And they lived on the 3rd floor, 96 feet up in the air? Naturally, he fell. The paramedics found some dude, critically injured, laying in his underwear,on the ground. I wonder how much booze was involved with that one.
Alright. There you have it. Who is the dumbest of the land? Washing machine guy, sensitive cop, or plank dude? Your call...
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
I vote #3.
But I'll bet there is more to the sotry. My take is the guy was sleeping with his neighbors wife and this was how he snuck back and forth. The husband came home early suprised him and he fell whiel hurrying across the gangplank.
#1 just fits the crooks are stupid category. # 2 is just an asshole but 96 feet and he is still alive? I vote for him also, need to make sure he does not make a contribution to the gene pool.
Well IMHO, most people I've met from 'Bama need to get out of the gene pool, but I have to agree, #3 is a great candidate for the Darwin award.
Number three all the way. Anyone with such a blatant lack of comprehension of the laws of gravity needs to be removed from the gene pool. Thumbs down and feed his carcass to the lions, says me in my best Roman emperor voice.
okay what I love about all this, is only the male readers of my blog chose to answer this question, and you all picked #3. So, we'll have to go to Australia on an idiot hunt. . .
I'm with #3.... and I've been very careful with my trucker talk when the windows are open.
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