Well I can't write the post I wanted to today, because Blogger isn't letting me put in a picture. There is a picture that I have that I am sure you would all looooooove to see. It is of the superbly decorated bathroom of a really great house that I looked at with MM yesterday evening.
The bathroon is so great, that I am sure not a THING will need to be done to it.
Every girl's dream bathroom.
But you'll have to take my word for it
because (*^%&** blogger won't let me add a picture today.
I'll try again, later. . .
**15 minutes later***
FINALLY! It gave into my will!
So, don't you all wish that you had a bathroom that looked JUST LIKE THAT?
If this house works out for MM, I am going to be locked in that room for hours with a wall paper steamer and my Finnish stubbornness (sisu) because I refuse, REFUSE! to leave something like that on this earth longer than I have to. If I could get away with it, I'd probably go eradicate it TODAY!
Oh, and for those of you who might be curious, the "clone troopers" were a early version of the storm troopers. (duh) and Huey got his costume already and he is the one with the BLUE trim, which, according to him is the very best. And Dewey is actually going to be Charlie Brown for Halloween, and Louie? A "pooh-pumpkin", the poor lad.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
you will need a spray bottle with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water and a paper scorer to make sure that is wiped from the earth
oh have no doubt, CK, that WILL be wiped from the earth.
Well, I need to get the house first. :) Then you can wipe it all you like.
mm, yes I know. I can wait. And if you don't end up with this house, I am sure that whomever does end up with it will also perform an exorcism on that bathroom. . .
just take a flame thrower and some lighter fluid. That will work.. I seriously thought that picture was a joke at first.
Yikes. you could lose animals in that bathroom due to camoflage (sp? )
Very jungle love!!!
Holy shit. That is downright scary. I didn't get it at first, either. I thought you couldn't get the picture you wanted to post posted, and threw that one in as a test.
Will you have a bamboo toilet?
OMG is that really the wallpaper in the bathroom? Eh gads that's just plain nasty. I wouldn't have that in my hubbys shed.
that is really and truly the wall paper. And it will be an epic battle, but I WILL WIN IT!
I think the lamp looks lovely with that paper. Those people must be very up to date. What's the rest of the house like?
Lori- if you go look at "nuggets of wisdom" over to my right, you can find MM's slide show of the rest of the house.
It needs lot's of work, but it could be a great house, I think.
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