The weekend was really fun and, surprising in a lot of ways.
MM and I went to the annual Celtic Festival held at our local fairgrounds. We were sitting on a bench, waiting for our lunches, when he really took me by surprise.
He gave me a ring. Not just any ring, either, it would be one of those rings that people who care about that kind of stuff would call a 'big rock'. I was speechless with emotion, and didn't quite know what to say. It was a really nice moment. . .
Okay, pick your jaws up off the floor.
Here is the rest of the story.
We were, indeed waiting for lunch. A shiny object on the ground caught MM's eye, and he retrieved it. Examining it, we discovered it was one of those fake, metal rings that has the squeeze prongs to hold whatever fake jewel you choose to place in it. Being the funny man he is, he bent over, picked up a rock, ( a real rock) and placed it in the prongs, and presented me with my 'big rock'. My speechless with emotion? I laughed my ass off. So, there we were cracking jokes about my 'big rock'. Yes, I wore it for the rest of the day, and we evilly plotted the jokes. Like this blog, and telling our families we spent the day in Reno, ect. ect.
I love this man's sense of humor. It was fun. When we got home, we decided he needed a ring, too, and since NOTHING is too good for my man, I made him one of tinfoil. LOL. Here is the picture.
This is the only picture of MM and I anyone will ever see on this blog. . .
I can't wait to hear my Mother's response to this.
While we were at the Celtic Festival, we also found a booth advetising Haggis. Canned Haggis to be exact.
Do we all know what Haggis is?
Well, this little lady INSISTED I could not hate it until I tried it. I found myself, standing there, spoon in hand, with a tiny amount of canned Haggis on it. MM was in the same boat with me. Gamely, we actually tried said Haggis. It tasted like something I can't even think of how to describe. But it didn't kill me. I told the lady the truth, that I didn't care for it. Then I promptly bought a can to give to Celtic Rose. (I'll give it to her at work tonight, she won't have read this, yet. (And I can show her my big rock!). So MM carried around Haggis in a Can for me throughout the day, in a plastic bag, and we joked about what a great weapon it would make. Eventually, though, I had to have ice cream to wash the taste of Canned Haggis off my palate. They had a booth there making hand dipped ice cream. I got chocolate, dipped in white chocolate, rolled in almonds. MMMMMMM . Sure did wipe out the Haggis. But it was so rich I could only eat about half of it. . .
So, fun was had by all. We had a great, laughter filled weekend.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
Yay! Great post! Great weekend! And big rock! DAMN you know how to partay in style!
Sooo glad it wasn't crakcrock. Haha
how sweet.
but um, wow, you tried haggis? Blech. double blech...
and now I am over it and back to the ohhhhhhhhhhh.
Those are some rocks! Congratulations!
And, wow, you are a braver woman than I am, I will NEVER try Haggis.
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