1. What does Easter mean to you (if that is not too personal)? Easter means the Resurrection of Christ to me.
2. When did you last go on an Easter egg hunt? Did you find anything? I help hide the eggs now. Then I have to help hunt for the ones we hide too well...
3. Your favorite celebrity is dressed up in a bunny outfit and about to jump out of a cake. Who is it? Kenny from South Park
4. What is the most unusual thing you've ever done with Easter eggs?This is going to sound pathetic, but dye them. I was over thirty the first time I dyed an egg. My Mom didn't do that with us, we got the plastic kind. Always.
6. Do you believe in the Easter Bunny? I AM the Easter Bunny...
7. Imagine: You are invited to the White House for the annual Easter egg hunt. What surprise should President Obama put in each egg for the kids? Certificates for a Teeth Cleaning
8. What's your favorite kind of candy to eat at Easter? Those crunchy malted ball eggs
9. Have you ever dyed eggs for Easter? Twice, now
10. You have just found a genuine Faberge egg worth millions of dollars. Would you keep it or sell it for cash at auction? What would you do with the money? Depends on which egg I found, some of those Faberge eggs are amazing
Show us a picture of your hat. Nope. No bonnets, no colored eggs
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
4 weeks ago
Happy Easter! I hope you enjoyed your pulla!
What is wrong with you people?!! No hats here either??
Queen is in a very bad mood.
(but burning a peep is such a kind thought, don't you think?) Did you get that idea from Coopernicus? I think he started the massacre!
I never had an Easter Bonnet to begin with, you'd have to take that up with my mother!
I've been burning peeps for years...
What do you do with the burnt peeps afterwards? I think only older gals wore Easter bonnets because it was in style then. LOL
I wore a hat to church as a kid, but since I was a tomboy it was very hard for me not to want to stop the thing to death!
We burnt peeps this year. Great fun!
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