My blog is really not interested in politics, (at least it says its not), and I seldom put any of my political preferences on here... that being said. We have an election coming up in California. The Terminators term of Governator-ship is about to expire.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday Mieography
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 29, 2010
She's a beauty...
This is yesterdays car...
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
It was the weekend of the car show, again. Any guesses? Come back tomorrow and I will put up a picture of the whole car...
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Queen Meme Tuesday
1. What are you most grateful for when you first wake up in the morning? The roof over my head, the warm house, and the people in it?
2. What are you most grateful for when you go to bed at night? That I get to go to bed!! (I work three nights a week, so sometimes I go to bed when the sun comes up)
3. Who is the person who has had the most influence on your life?My Father
4. Is there someone you'd like to thank for something special they did for you but haven't yet? Take the time to do it in this meme. I like to think that I am good at thanking people when they do special things (or any things) for me. So I will simply say 'Thank-You" to everyone reading this on the off chance I've missed one.
5. Who was your favorite or least favorite teacher?
If you could talk to them now, what would you say? My least favorite teacher has to be the kindergarten teacher who told my Mom I would not amount to much because I couldn't count the way she wanted me to. I'd simply thumb my nose at her and walk away...
6. Do you say grace at mealtime? Ah, this is hit or miss for me. I try to remember to quietly mention my gratefulness for the meal in front of me, but tend to forget..
7. Name one thing you take for granted everyday. Running Water
8. Have you ever looked back at your life and realized that something you thought was a bad thing was actually a blessing in disguise? Well I think many, many things qualify as this. Time and perspective change most things we think of as 'bad...
9. What are the top five things you are most grateful for in your life?
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday Darylization
as usual, go here for Daryl's photo source...
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Queen Meme Tuesday
You be the judge!
1. Do you watch American Idol? I've only watched one season of this show, which should make answering this meme really uh, fun?
2. Who is your favorite judge? Anyone but Paula. I never liked her.
3. Who is your favorite contestant this season and why? Animal from the muppet show. Wait. Uh. Well?... yeah, Animal.
4. Who is your least favorite contestant this year and why? Carrie Underwear. Oh, uh. Damn...
5. Have you ever actually voted via text message?Predictably, No. But only because they didn't let me vote for Animal.
6. Is there a part of the show you find really annoying? 2 Words. Ryan Seacrest. Out. Well, I guess thats three words. Oh well
7. What is your overall opinion of the show this season?They should show more Animal. Then I might watch it.
8. Do you like Simon Cowell as a judge? What do you think of his judging style?I think that someone has to be the "bad boy" enemy, and that he enjoys it. But he really seems to stand by the winners, in the end, so I don't have a problem with him.
9. Is Ellen DeGeneres qualified to be an American Idol singing judge? No, I really don't think so. But I didn't like Paula, or her singing, either, so which is worse?
10. If you could pick a song to sing on the show this week, what would your song choice be and why? Rubber Ducky. Just to see the look of horror on their faces.
11. Who is your favorite all-time American Idol winner? If you like, post a video of their performance.The only one I saw was when Ruben won. And I liked his voice. Too bad he never really went anywhere...
for more Idle (Idol?) fun, go here
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 5 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Tell Me a Story Monday
So, Daryl put up another good picture, go look here, then enjoy the story....
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Friday Mieography
Georgia Totto O'Keeffe was born in in a farmhouse in Wisconsin, in 1887. Her parents were dairy farmers, her Dad was Irish, and her mother was Hungarian and English, descendent of one of the Mayflower passengers.
Posted by mielikki at 12:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, which usually belong to the Queen...
So, I didn't do the Queen's Meme this week, but I spend most of my time living in her dungeon, bribing Homer, the palace dog, with Baklava, anyhow.
Posted by mielikki at 7:48 AM 5 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Another Story Monday
its another story. I think I've been officially Darylized. This is a short one..
Posted by mielikki at 11:22 AM 4 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
friday Mieography
Sylvia Plath was born during the Great Depression, in Massachusetts. Her mother, Aurelia, was a first generation American of Austrian descent, and her father, Otto, was an immigrant from Germany. He was a professor of biology and German at Boston University, and he wrote a book about bumblebees. His wife was 21 years his junior. He was alienated from his family, because he did not become a Lutheran minister like they wanted him to be.
Touch it: it won't shrink like an eyeball, This egg-shaped bailiwick, clear as a tear. Here's yesterday, last year --- Palm-spear and lily distinct as flora in the vast Windless threadwork of a tapestry. Flick the glass with your fingernail: It will ping like a Chinese chime in the slightest air stir Though nobody in there looks up or bothers to answer. The inhabitants are light as cork, Every one of them permanently busy. At their feet, the sea waves bow in single file. Never trespassing in bad temper: Stalling in midair, Short-reined, pawing like paradeground horses. Overhead, the clouds sit tasseled and fancy As Victorian cushions. This family Of valentine faces might please a collector: They ring true, like good china. Elsewhere the landscape is more frank. The light falls without letup, blindingly. A woman is dragging her shadow in a circle About a bald hospital saucer. It resembles the moon, or a sheet of blank paper And appears to have suffered a sort of private blitzkrieg. She lives quietly With no attachments, like a foetus in a bottle, The obsolete house, the sea, flattened to a picture She has one too many dimensions to enter. Grief and anger, exorcised, Leave her alone now. The future is a grey seagull Tattling in its cat-voice of departure. Age and terror, like nurses, attend her, And a drowned man, complaining of the great cold, Crawls up out of the sea. |
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
things that make me go
I rarely blog about my nursing, but, bear with me, because I have some thoughts.
Recently I found a blog of a student, now almost ready to graduate, nurse. I really can't tell you how I found it. I just did.
She posed an interesting thought on her blog, about how someone told her she wouldn't be a great nurse until she was a parent.
In all my 13 ish years of nursing I've not ever heard anything like this. Honestly, though she certainly didn't mean it this way, it was rather insulting. I did not have the luck to meet MM at a younger age where we could, realistically, have children together. That, accompanied with the fertility issues the women in my family share make it kind of hard for me if I were to consider having a baby. (We are not having a baby)
but does this mean I can't be a great nurse?
I have family, and friends that mean the world to me, that I am VERY attached to. I have empathy for every human being laying in a hospital bed. I always stop and think of what I would want to see/hear/experience were it MY family in that bed.
Sure. I haven't birthed a child. MG is, for all intents and purposes, the closest I am going to get. She is my daughter by another mother ;).
But adding her to my life didn't make me a better nurse.
I have lots of patients who think I am a great nurse. They tell me, and I love that. Granted, I've also had a handful of crazies who think I am the devil incarnate. But those are few and far between. Really, I have a pretty high happy rate with those I take care of.
may have to ponder this more.
Any thoughts on this out there?
Posted by mielikki at 11:06 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Queen Meme Tuesday
1. What does Easter mean to you (if that is not too personal)? Easter means the Resurrection of Christ to me.
2. When did you last go on an Easter egg hunt? Did you find anything? I help hide the eggs now. Then I have to help hunt for the ones we hide too well...
3. Your favorite celebrity is dressed up in a bunny outfit and about to jump out of a cake. Who is it? Kenny from South Park
4. What is the most unusual thing you've ever done with Easter eggs?This is going to sound pathetic, but dye them. I was over thirty the first time I dyed an egg. My Mom didn't do that with us, we got the plastic kind. Always.
6. Do you believe in the Easter Bunny? I AM the Easter Bunny...
7. Imagine: You are invited to the White House for the annual Easter egg hunt. What surprise should President Obama put in each egg for the kids? Certificates for a Teeth Cleaning
8. What's your favorite kind of candy to eat at Easter? Those crunchy malted ball eggs
9. Have you ever dyed eggs for Easter? Twice, now
10. You have just found a genuine Faberge egg worth millions of dollars. Would you keep it or sell it for cash at auction? What would you do with the money? Depends on which egg I found, some of those Faberge eggs are amazing
Show us a picture of your hat. Nope. No bonnets, no colored eggs
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 5 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
Short Story Monday
for the inspiration of my story, please go here, and visit the lovely Daryl
Posted by mielikki at 11:46 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Friday Mieography

Lita Rossanna Ford was born in London, the daughter of an English Army Veteran, and his Italian wife, whom he'd met during WW II.
Posted by mielikki at 12:00 AM 4 comments