Monday, October 12, 2009

When the Wind Blows

We are apparently going to be getting a good storm later today, and then tomorrow, that is going to have very strong gusts of wind and rain, with possible downed trees and power outages and all that fun stuff. So if you don't see me its because we have had a power outage.

So, without further ado I am going to go stock up on a few groceries, bring in some of the out door stuff, take my hammock down for the winter (boo hoo) and that kind of stuff. Winterize the outside a bit.
One of the joys of home ownership.
I am totally not complaining.
I love our house, and the home we've made it into...


Mimi said...

Sounds good. Stay safe.

Daryl said...

I hope it all blew over and didnt affect you ..

Bubblewench said...

Sad.. no more hammock... stay safe!