Had a great time in Seattle.
I was right. MB is a great little flyer. It turns out you can pretty much take ANYTHING on a plane that is for a baby. I accidentally left a spray foam sun block in his diaper bag, and they saw it. Then told me I could keep it. I nearly fell over. You can bring milk, formula, hell. I bet I could've put Vodka in the bottle and they'd have let me have it. I did see them test some sippy cup water of another toddler, though, so maybe not....
In Seattle, we happened to be there during the weekend that they had record high heat. Damn!! It was sticky and muggy. Lovely cousin got married out in the boonies at this really nice organic farm. But the heat nearly killed us. Poor MB wasn't a fan, so we barely made it through the dinner service before we headed for the AC comfort of our hotel room, and then, eventually, the swimming pool. MB enjoys swimming, as it turns out, especially when his Daddy sticks his head in the water and blows bubbles at him. We took him in the water every day. Now that we're home, I'm kind of missing that, actually.
So now, we are at home, and my work schedule got changed, AGAIN. But I'm kind of glad, because I get a few days recovery from the trip. The downside of that is now I am going to be working the weekend instead. But I don't mind that as much. I actually get extra money for working the weekend. So, no harm, no foul.
Seeing the family over the weekend was also so very awesome. We are spread out a bit, so it was nice to see some that we haven't seen in quite awhile. Now I miss seeing them, though. And the pool. I still miss the pool.
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
Wish I would've been reading last week, I live in Seattle! It would've been great to do a meet and great!
There's just enough humidity here to make hot a bit hot and sticky.
Plus, you were here for summer - the few days of hot we get ;) Although, truth be told, they say it'll be hot at the end of this week too.
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