sneak peek? Go here
*edit* the link does not work anymore because it is now our house, therefore, off the market. Pictures to come, later*
You may note, this one is kind of different from the last one. This is our latest desire, house wise.
We saw MANY houses the other day. They ran the gamut, from very nice to very dumpy.
Worst house?
The one that 3 bachelors with a dog were inhabiting. When we drove up it was like a scene from deliverance. They were sitting outside on the tail gate while a large-ish dog bounced around. Barely a word was exchanged when we got there. I should mention MM and I had established code words to express our feelings. "Lime Green Jello" meant we liked the home, and would want to offer on it, possibly. "Black Jelly Bean" meant the opposite.
We walk into the bachelor house, and the kitchen was smaller than the one in my apartment. The scent of dog urine filled the air. "Black Jelly bean!" were the first words I said in that house. It just got worse. (I peeked in a bathroom and ran for the hills. I don't even wanna KNOW what was behind the locked doors)
Probably the most interesting house?
The one where the front entrance was many steps up. The living room was small-ish, the closet was laughable, and in the middle of the house were these narrow, spiral stairs. Pulling a drunk in that house would have been lethal.
Best house? Truthfully? Your going to expect me to say the one we bid on. Well, it was, actually, kind of a tie. We saw this GREAT house, beautiful spacy rooms, nice kitchen, HUUGE fireplace. Nice manicured back yard with 3 apple trees. But its location was not ideal for us. Plus, I don't want to spend ALL my free time outside maintaining their wonderful garden. Some gardening? Yes. All gardening? No thanks. But it was beautiful. And the owner was super nice.
We saw a house where all I heard were the barking neighbor dogs. We saw a house with more wood paneling than most log cabins. (though that would have been easily dealt with)
All in all, I would say the house we chose to bid on is the best fit for us. The property it sits on is like it's own magical forest land. We are going to name that forest when it is officially ours.
So, fingers crossed, the offer goes in this morning. We fully expect a counter offer. We have some wiggle room on this one. All it's inspections are done, (except one we wish to repeat now that there is no snow). So, think good thoughts for our forest, please!
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
I'm jealous.. your own personal woods... fairydom... beautiful.. crossing my fingers for you.
Good thoughts for sure... I love the back of the house ... the front is nice but seems 'formal' which I dont feel you or MM are ... but hey I am not the one living in it tho I wouldnt turn down an invite.
Love all the trees and the driveway.
Crossing all crossable digits!
Daryl- Invitation is always open. I am going to put a veggie and flower patch in the front, that will make it less Formal. It's just an old ranch style. The back is divine though
BW AND Daryl- thanks for the good wishes and crossed things! :)
You know, I think I like that house more than the other one! The arched window over the kitchen sink is awesome!!
Of course, more good thoughts...
Also, I'm thinkin', HOT TUB!
Oh niiice....
And it has RV parking! So if we ever get an RV (shutup for realz we want one but can't decide between that or a boat) we can come stay with you! It'll be like, "Vacation", minus the dead grandma!
I'm sending happy thoughts and crossing my fingers for you. Do you do that over there? Or do you just think, Ok, why is Jo crossing her fingers?? What does that mean? That Jo is weird.
I love the forest! And, may it be a green jello place!
I love the property! It's so beautiful! I forget how damn expensive stuff in CA is, though!
HOLY COW!!! Look at all those trees!
Syb- even with a dead granny I would let you come stay with us. (We can bury her under the trees)
Jo- we TOTALLY do that here AND I have 2 black cats. Which the stupid other americans consider unlucky. But they aren't.
Mimi- Lime jello, INDEED. All the inspections are even done already ;)
Lori- yes we pay tons of money. And this is one of the more least expensive properties we looked at
Jef- That doesn't even scratch the surface of trees. Wait until I download the ones I took.... which I won't do until we get the house
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