I've always known I have a few Quirks. But now, in this new job, I'm finding one that I always knew was there, I just wasn't really aware of how, well, kind of prominent it seems to be, or can be.
I'm learning that one thing that drives me crazy is knowing that I need to accomplish something, but having to WAIT until it's the right time for me to do it.
Like, I'm going to go make a home visit to someone, and do all the charting and ect. ect., but I CAN'T go do that visit until 1 in the afternoon. Therefore, I can't chart anything, I can't sit here and try and GUESS what medications need to be refilled, I really can't LEAVE for the appointment, (since, say, it's probably only 10 am it only takes me 5 minutes to get to where the silly appointment is...)
So, can I see someone else in that time?
but they all want to see the nurse later in the day, too, they say. Or, not today at all, thank you..
In short, I kind of hate having tasks just hanging over my head. Knowing I need to do something, but yet, I cannot.
And now, I'm back to nights. Sitting with my phone. Waiting for it to ring...
this job may well make me crazy.....
and don't even get me started about the amount of staggering paperwork!
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
Hurry up and wait .. I dont like that either .. sigh ...
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