So, once I was hired, no grass grew under my feet at my new job.
Last week, they had me all set up to go and do all the HR paper work, and when I got there, they kind of sprung on me that I was going to be orienting to the inpatient side, starting THE NEXT DAY, and every day that week
how about a little warning?
I had to (gently) explain to them that I needed to have a talk with my friend who graciously has agreed to watch MB while I am working during the day (temporarily) and that she was not available that NEXT DAY. So I worked it out, and was there 3 days last week, will be there 3 days this week, then 4 days next week. Then, I am working "for real". After a few weeks of that, I am going to go orient to the other side, the outpatient side of Hospice, and into the job I was hired for, which is night shift, on call. That means that I will be at home, and for 3 nights a week, if a hospice patient needs advice or to see me, they'll call me. If the situation is dire enough, I'll go out and see them. So basically, I'm going to be paid to stay home, and go out as needed. I think its pretty great. I'm sure I'll be going out plenty, but that's fine. It still gives me time at home with MB, AND an income. An the workplace isn't toxic, like the one I just left....
So far, I am still really stoked about the job, I've already learned a lot, and I'm looking forward to making this job my own....
On the home front, things are good. I miss being home with MB every day, but I realize that's temporary. I have a good, trusted friend looking after him for me, and he is having fun with her and her children. Mustang Girl is flying through her senior year, and MM is continuing his quest to become a nurse as well...
how are all of you?:)
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago
Most excellent news .. and here its happily same old same old .. xo
The new job sounds fantastic! Things here are plodding along, like normal.
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