Now I’ll sing my song
To make the snow come down
And I’ll do my snow dance
Whoops! I almost lost my pants
I’ll holler and yell,
And really give it---
It’s Heikki’s snow dance song,
Heikki’s snow dance song
We gotta have some snow by the 4th of December
“Heikki Lunta, make it snow!” say all the Range Club members
The races are only three weeks away
And if I don’t make it snow, I’ll go back to making hay
It’s Heikki Lunta’s snow dance song,
Heikki Lunta’s snow dance song.
Heikki Lunta is in charge of the snow, myth has it that if you sing this song and do the dance that you will get your snow!
Snow, snow, snow!
Now I’ll dance some more,
And I’ll really know the score
How to make it snow,
Come on, man, go, go, go!
Don’t even slow down
till the snow starts falling down
It’s Heikki Lunta’s snow dance song,
Heikki Lunta’s snow dance song.
Snow, snow, come on, snow!
I would steal this if I understood the tune.
What SL said! What's the tune? Do a Vlog singing it!
I really can't sing well, and honestly? I don't know the tune, either. I came across this a few years ago, and it makes me laugh
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