The Tick-Tock Meme
1. Are you a Rolex watch, a Mickey Mouse watch, or a pocket watch? Neither. I am one of those watches with the blank face, and all the numbers jumbled at the bottom.
2. Can you think of a time when you couldn't see the forest for the trees? Just ONE time? A Time? I can think of MULTIPLE times. But I've gotten better at viewing the forest....
3. Can you think of a time when you were on the outside looking in? What did you see? Of Course. I think we've all been in this position. What comes to mind is when you are around people who have a history together, who have known each other longer than you've known them. Oddly, my parents kind of come to mind. They have a history with each other that I will never be on the inside of. Nor should I...
4. Go back in time. Maybe a long time ago, maybe today. Pick an hour you'd like to freeze frame forever and tell us why. It doesn't have to be THE most important hour of your life, but make it a good one. MM and I were on our first date. We had a great dinner that evolved into the invitation to a movie. Having some extra time before it started, we walked to an ice cream place, for dessert. Which, MM decided to wear on his shirt. Instead of freaking out, or acting like it was the end of the world, (many men I know do this), he laughed at himself, cleaned it off as best he could, and we went to our movie...
this gave me great insight to his personality, and made him even more appealing to me. I like people who can roll with the punches.
5. If you were a cuckoo clock, what would others say about you? Probably that I was broken, and cuckoo'd all the time.
6. Can you think of a time when time stood still? Once again, just one? I can think of a few... Oh... am I supposed to tell you of them? Gee.... since you asked....
first car accident. Time froze, right as my car made contact with the other one. Horrific.
7. Watch this! You are a stopwatch. What would you stop? The recent stupidity that has kind of been going on around me. Some people just have no filters on their mouthes and brains.
8. Imagine you were just born and have infinite wisdom. After the doctor smacks your newborn dust ruffle you look around and say to the Universe: "Give me a whole lifetime to do "this" and I will bless the day I was born." What did you choose? Dang... uh.... live satisfied with my life. No regrets....
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
4 weeks ago
I loved your ice cream answer. How sweet is that!!
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