So its my birthday. And I am actually putting something on my blog! Its a miracle!
Life, at 46, is still somewhat of a revolving cycle of ups and downs. Some heavy things have happened in the last year. We are still having fallout, family style, from my Dad's death. Regretfully, Ive had to make the painful decision to distance myself from drama and toxicity, and that has been a challenge. My mom has moved out of the home I grew up in, into a very lovely new home, that she was able to have built on my middle sisters property. I am very glad she had a safe and secure place to land, while she continues to get used to her new normal. Is that something anyone really ever gets used to, though? I kind of doubt it.... I don't think my Grandma ever did...
Our boy is now closer to 5 than four. He is standing next to me, asking me questions, making me a birthday card, and desperate to push the space bar on my lap top. I swear every minute that passes he learns something new, wants to do something new, and is getting more and more independent. I know he is supposed to do all of those things, but slow it down!! I cannot fathom that he is going to start school in August. We actually enroll him in March! Its just flat crazy.
MG is 21 now, speaking of time flying. She's flown the coop, is out on her own, doing her thing. She comes to visit frequently, and the funniest thing is offering her an alcoholic beverage. On Halloween this this year she and I drank some Not Your Father's Root Beer together (delicious stuff). My mind just kept saying "Wait, she was 12 years old, just a moment ago? Right?" Well, not so much....She's grown.
MM and I are still our crazy selves. We still like each other, and still, not a day goes by that he doesn't make me laugh. I am so very thankful he's my partner in life.
Well, I need to let a small boy hit the space bar a few times, so I guess this is the only update I am going to get done at the present time. I like coming back here and reading my memories, though....
I accidentally left my martini in 2023…
2 months ago